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Hanging String Balls. Whattya need?

Hanging String Balls

BalloonStringScissorsGlueJar How do I make glue string balls? Step 1: Hang inflated balloon from ceiling. Step 2: Put string and glue in the jar with a hole in the lid. Next, pull string from hole while wrapping around the balloon. Step 3: Wait until dry (try to contain yourself). Created by Dane Holweger. DIY fruit balloons. I Heart Trees. Isn't this just the perfect little table lantern for an engagement party or wedding reception?

I Heart Trees

If you haven't run across yet, you should definitely take a few minutes to have a peek. This online marketplace for handmade arts and crafts is a powerhouse in England. These cute little lanterns come to us from This is Pretty. Until next time... Tiny Terrariums for Earth Day. Make Your Own Gifts LIGHT BULB TERRARIUM - Green Holiday Gift Guide. How To Make a Mini Lightbulb Moss Terrarium. Handmade terrariums and vivariums are growing in popularity. Terrariums are small ecosystems that can serve as decor , and bring a little green indoors. They are very low maintenance , so they are perfect for any home!

Wiki- How to make a terrarium. Moss isn’t something you see too often in Texas.

how to make a terrarium

Even in Houston’s swampy climate, the heat is usually too overbearing for such a delicate plant. So, I decided it was a good idea to harvest some for a terrarium while I’ve still got it in my own backyard. You don’t need much to make a terrarium, and most of what you need you can get for cheap or free. I thrifted an old yankee candle jar with a tight-fitting lid, and added these things: Layer 1: Gravel or small rocks– This allows excess water to drain out of the soil and prevents your moss from becoming too saturated. Spice Jar Mini Terrariums. Turn your empty spice jars into mini moss terrariums with this fun, simple Earth Week project.

Spice Jar Mini Terrariums

Tiny terrariums are the perfect way to green up your home decor, and they also make great recycled gifts! Supplies:* Spice jars, cleaned and dried* Fresh moss or Dehydrated live terrarium moss, soaked per package instructions* Dried moss* Polished gravel* Terrarium soil Tools:* Bamboo skewer or chopstick* Plant mister ★ Please note that the links provided above are affiliate links, and I will be compensated if you choose to make a purchase after clicking through.

Step 1Gather your terrarium supplies, then assemble the gravel, dried moss, and soil layers as shown above. Important: Before you start your terrarium, make sure you allow enough time to soak and rehydrate any dry materials, including dehydrated moss, dried moss, and compressed soil. Step 2Once your layers are in place, use a bamboo skewer or a chopstick to artfully arrange your moss, pressing it firmly into the soil. The Hipster Home » Blog Archive » How to Make a Tiny Terrarium in a Light Bulb. Ahoy there Hipster Homers!

The Hipster Home » Blog Archive » How to Make a Tiny Terrarium in a Light Bulb

I’m Julie and I’m the very first guest blogger on this fine site. Today’s project involves breaking stuff, plants, found objects, and miniatures. Fun, right? Make: All American Birthday Pinwheels and Wreath. Kott-monster – Pine cone monsters. Äldsta dottern kom hem en dag i veckan och hade samlat kottar på lunchrasten.

Kott-monster – Pine cone monsters

Hon skulle göra monster av dem, berättade hon för mig. Den kvällen var både jag och maken ute på vift och mormor satt barnvakt. När jag kom hem låg dessa fantasifulla skapelser på köksbordet! Jag har med bilder försökt illustrera (i efterhand) hur storasyster gick tillväga för att skapa sina monster. Måla kottarna med hobbyfärg, låt torka, klistra fast ögon = klart!

Hobbyfärgen, det prickiga papperet och de plastögon som min dotter använde finns att köpa i min butik. Jag busat lite med dottern och satt dit armar och ben på två av kottarna. Candy Cane Marbled Monogram Ornaments. I recently saw a marbleized nail technique on Pinterest and was so inspired to try it.

Candy Cane Marbled Monogram Ornaments

After several attempts I finally got the nail technique down and decided to do something more unique with it. Taking the glass ornaments that I purchased from Michaels, I created a water marble ornament. You can check out my video tutorials on how to marbleize an ornament and how to water marble nails. I also created a monogrammed marbleized image by cutting out the letter A from a sticker (you could user painters tape, I just had this sticker on hand) with an Exacto knife. I used the negative part of the sticker (negative part meaning outline) and stuck it onto the ornament.

Búhos y un gato / Owls and a cat / Eulen und eine Katze. DIY Tutorial: Gold Dipped Hanging Glass Air Plant Vessels « Michelle Smith. I’ve had a handful of glass ornaments sitting around after the holidays waiting for the perfect project.

DIY Tutorial: Gold Dipped Hanging Glass Air Plant Vessels « Michelle Smith

Inspired by these hanging glass air planters at West Elm I decided to make my own with a little twist: a gold dipped bottom. Air plants work especially well in these types of containers because they only need bright sun, no dirt to grow in, and minimal spritzing with water every 2 weeks or so. How to Make Cherry Blossom Lights. Wedding Mason Jar Lanterns. I spent today with my Mom, sister Brooke, and Marcie, my sister-in-law and and Jen, sister-in-law-to-be.

Wedding Mason Jar Lanterns

Can I just say I love those women. We were busy with plans and decorations for the upcoming wedding of Josh (my brother) and Jen. I am so excited about the creative “Make it Do” ideas we have for the wedding… it’s going to be beautiful. The reception will be outdoors on a patio of a local restaurant. We are so lucky that the restaurant has a large pergola and trees surrounding the patio from which to hang lanterns. So the project of the day was to make Mason Jar Lanterns. We found a wonderful tutorial for the lanterns on one of my favorite websites One Pretty Thing. Here is the link to the tutorial. Mason jar2 1/2 – 3 1/2 feet of wirewire cutterspencilplierssand or potting soilvoltive candle Here’s how we made the jars: 1. Weekend DIY: Mason Jar Lights. Mason Jar Strand with Lights by sweetteaclothingco.

Diy Tissue (Kleenex) Flowers. I know what your thinking – just when you thought the internet had overdone the tissue paper flower…Destri has to throw in another one.

Diy Tissue (Kleenex) Flowers

Would it help if I told you it had sentimental value? How about keep your kids busy for hours? Aw, now I have your attention. You see, when I was little we spent hours making these tissue flowers. I remember going through three boxes of Kleenex in one weekend at my Grandma’s house. They have stayed in the back of my mind for something to show my kids, and their great Grandpa on my Husband’s side passed away so I thought this would be the perfect sentiment to send to their Great Grandma. Tissue Paper Flowers. When I was in grade school we had Spanish class once a week. I took three years of Spanish in high school and then switched to French in college. I know enough Spanish to ask where the bathroom is, but whether or not I understand the answer is another matter. Need something quick, special and homemade this Mother’s Day? Look no further than this simple spray paint DIY arrangement.

{This is the same “recipe” I used for the centerpieces at R + M’s birthday}. Step one: Collect glass bottles. {I saved a month’s worth of glass bottles and jars before the birthday}. All glass will work, both clear and brown. Step Two: Clean off labels. Step Three: Spray paint bottles with any color of your liking. Aqua acrylic spary for the birthday. If you are using brown bottles, you’ll need to spray the outside.

Step Four: Add your favorite flower{s}. Easy peasy D.I.Y. This D.I.Y Revolution will not be televised This D.I.Y revolution will not require you getting up at stupid o’clock and fighting your fellow man tooth and nail for paint and nails This D.I.Y revolution will not require giving up most of your weekend and crying about the flakes of paint in your hair This D.I.Y revolution will not feature Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen or any of the team from Extreme Makeover: Home edition* It will just require you – some card and scissors and you can get your homemade flowers on for full deets on this DIY teach get thee gone to Cardgirl Invitations and see the end result via Dozi Design as Wendy is the original genius behind these.

*We would like to offer our sincere apologies to Gil Scott Heron for ruining a classic – but he had to be sacrificed in the name of blogging! About the author I'm the big kahuna with the whole shebang. Amma = Idiot + Savant. Carambola Flowers by Carmen Sprung. If you’ve been following me on Flickr for a while, you’ve probably seen this picture of Carambola Flowers before – I folded them ages ago! But since my Pro account is going to expire in a few days time (and I don’t feel like upgrading it again), a lot of my old photos won’t be displayed anymore. So I decided it would be a good idea to share the very best of them on my blog! Discover Paper.