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Gruppegenerator. Apps til opgaven | Apps til netop din enhed. How to Use Google Search More Effectively [INFOGRAPHIC] Among certain circles (my family, some of my coworkers, etc.) I'm known for my Googling skills. I can find anything, anywhere, in no time flat. My Google-fu is a helpful skill, but not one that's shrouded in too much mystery — I've just mastered some very helpful search tricks and shortcuts and learned to quickly identify the best info in a list of results.

Sadly, though web searches have become and integral part of the academic research landscape, the art of the Google search is an increasingly lost one. A recent study at Illinois Wesleyan University found that fewer than 25% of students could perform a "reasonably well-executed search. " That search process also included determining when to rely on Google and when to utilize scholarly databases, but on a fundamental level, it appears that many people just don't understand how to best find the information they seek using Google.

Thanks to the folks at HackCollege, a number of my "secrets" are out. Infographic via HackCollege. The 30 Second Assessment. I know a few teachers this year who are committed to assessing students without testing them. That’s right: they’re not only ditching grades, they’re trying to ditch the tests that produce them too. They’re confident that the data they’re gathering provides far better information than those tired instruments used to, particularly when it comes to understanding when learning is happening, when it isn’t, and why. They’re doing this without adding “one more thing” to their curriculum or extending their preparation time, too. How is this possible? In addition to making learning visible and documenting it in a variety of ways, they’ve created a toolbox of 30 second assessment strategies.

They’re putting these strategies to the test before, during, and after instruction. You’ll find a collection of the most popular strategies below, but know that this isn’t a definitive list, and each strategy can and should be adapted to fit your purposes. 30 Second Assessment Strategies About The Author. Games for English language learning and teaching. Home Page----- In my [pocket] [shopping bag] [house] [garden] [country] [dream], there is / are / was /were (The teacher imposes the necessary restrictions according to the vocabulary area) I packed my bag and in it I put: an X (longer & longer list) an X and some Ys. an X, some Ys, a Z, an ___ and some _____s (As you go round the class each student has to recite the existing list and add an item in the same category). Ss: I'm a market trader and I can sell (camcorders) (compact disks) (televisions). T: That's right. Ss: I'm a market trader and I can sell (steam engines) (saucepans) (guitars) T: No you can't.

CONNECTION: Invented after 1900. Other possible restrictions 1. objects must begin with the same letter as the S's first name. 2. objects must begin with the same letter as the first name of S on the right of speaker. 3. must be in the room 4. must be made of special material / must include wood or metal 5. must be objects you can grow. Instructions The students must guess the connection. 1. 2. 3. 150 Teaching Methods. Lecture by teacher (and what else can you do!) Class discussion conducted by teacher (and what else!) Recitation oral questions by teacher answered orally by students (then what!) Discussion groups conducted by selected student chairpersons (yes, and what else!) Lecture-demonstration by teacher (and then what 145 other techniques!) Lecture-demonstration by another instructor(s) from a special field (guest speaker) Presentation by a panel of instructors or students Presentations by student panels from the class: class invited to participate Student reports by individuals Student-group reports by committees from the class Debate (informal) on current issues by students from class Class discussions conducted by a student or student committee Forums Bulletin boards Small groups such as task oriented, discussion, Socratic Choral speaking Collecting Textbook assignments Reading assignments in journals, monographs, etc.

Attachment: 150 Teaching Methods [PDF, 33 KB] Classroom Management Ideas. Oversigt over forløb. Ordskyer i undervisningen by Peter Leth.

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Engelsk. Spansk. Evaluering. Evaluering på de gymnasiale ungdomsuddannelser Opdateret d. 16-09-2015 17:16 Forord Følgende er en kort introduktion til evaluering på stx, hf, htx og hhx. Formålet er at præsentere en praksisnær tilgang med en kortfattet teoretisk punktopstilling. Nederst følger en oversigt over 33 forskellige evalueringsformer, hvor du kan finde eksempler og/eller vejledninger. Der henvises desuden til relevant litteratur om emnet, inden man kaster sig ud i at evaluere. Med venlig hilsen Nicolas Marinos, Gladsaxe Gymnasium. Har du spørgsmål, kommentarer, forslag eller rettelser, så send en mail. Nicolas.marinos.job[snabel-a] Indledning Evaluering er et begreb, der i gymnasieskolen favner et væld af fremtrædelsesformer. . - Summativ evaluering: Fokus på resultater, effekter og virkninger. . - Formativ evaluering: Fokus på lære- og udviklingsprocesser.

Formativ evaluering I den danske gymnasieskole har der i flere år været et lovkrav om, at den enkelte skole skal have en evalueringsplan. . - Plenumevaluering. Skrivemetro STX. Skriveprocessen Udforskende skrivning Grundlæggende redskaber At stille spørgsmål Noter Køreplan Køreplan Vejledning Kommunikation Faglige genrer Redigering Opgave-skrivning Køreplan Abstract Køreplan Struktureret skrivning Dokumentation Fra afsnit til opgave Sammen- hængende afsnit Afsnit Argumen-tation AT-eksamen Køreplan Studieforberedende opgaver Dansk-/ historie- opgaven Skrivekurset i dansk & danskopgaven i 1.g Problem- og opgaveformulering Respons Køreplan IT-intro Podcast Google Docs. Trine Vinter's Profile. VISL - World of VISL.