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Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality Chapter 1: A Day of Very Low Probability, a harry potter fanfic. Disclaimer: J. K. Rowling owns Harry Potter, and no one owns the methods of rationality. This fic is widely considered to have really hit its stride starting at around Chapter 5. If you still don't like it after Chapter 10, give up. Please visit HPMOR DOT COM for: Reviews make me happy. You can leave reviews on any chapter, no login required, and there's no need to finish reading it all before you start reviewing chapters - but do please leave at most one review per chapter.

This is not a strict single-point-of-departure fic - there exists a primary point of departure, at some point in the past, but also other alterations. The text contains many clues: obvious clues, not-so-obvious clues, truly obscure hints which I was shocked to see some readers successfully decode, and massive evidence left out in plain sight. The story has been corrected to British English up to Ch. 17, and further Britpicking is currently in progress (see the /HPMOR subreddit). All science mentioned is real science.

293. Wondermark. 3D. The Perry Bible Fellowship. Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal.