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Apache Jena - Apache Jena. Open Anzo. Callimachus - Data-driven applications made easy. Open Channel Foundation: Semantic Web Framework. SADI. Strabon | RDF Stream Models - RDF Stream Processing Community Group. In this wiki page we will be posting our shared knowledge on RDF Stream Models Background on Data Stream and Complex Event Processing To complete, only references by now.

Models used in DSMS: Arvind Arasu, Shivnath Babu, and Jennifer Widom. The CQL continuous query language: semantic foundations and query execution. The VLDB Journal, 15(2):121–142, June 2006. Daniel J. RDF Stream models Brief overview on Stream RDF models: Slides by D. Temporal Graphs Observation: If we decide to "just" consume triples, then we completely ignore the consumption of (i) graphs and (ii) relational data. It is therefore that we should consider allowing to consume time-(interval) annotated graphs rather than time-annotated triples. Variant 1 - time-stamp based In this approach, the basic model is that of temporal graphs, which can be defined as follows: Variant 2 - interval based Annotating time intervals to graphs implies time intervals to the triples contained.

Triple oriented graph oriented References: More.