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BeagleBoard-xM Development Board - BEAGLEXM. Stellaris LM4F120. BoosterPacks are modular plug-in boards that fit on top of the LaunchPad baseboards.

Stellaris LM4F120

These modules introduce new functionality to the LaunchPad evaluation kits including wireless, capacitive touch, LED lighting and more! BoosterPacks include everything you need to create compelling new applications based on the LaunchPad evaluation kits, including a plugin module, software and documentation. Build Your OwnSee BoosterPacks.

Primeiros passos com a Stellaris Launchpad. A Stel­laris Launch­pad é uma plataforma de avali­ação de baixo custo da Texas Instru­ments para micro­con­tro­ladores da linha ARM Cortex-M4F.

Primeiros passos com a Stellaris Launchpad

A placa con­tém o micro­con­tro­lador LM4F120H5QR, um Cortex-M4 com suporte à ponto flu­tu­ante e que roda à 80MHz, com 256K de flash, 32K de RAM, e diver­sas inter­faces de comu­ni­cação e con­t­role como UART, SSI, I2C, CAN, USB e ADC. O kit pos­sui uma inter­face USB device, dois botões de usuário, um led RGB e um debug­ger inte­grado através de uma conexão USB (ICDI — In-Circuit Debug Inter­face), dis­pen­sando o uso de qual­quer fer­ra­menta adi­cional de gravação e debugging. E seguindo a linha das out­ras Launch­pads, o kit pos­sui dois bar­ra­men­tos de pinos lat­erais que são com­patíveis com as Boost­er­Packs, placas/módulos adi­cionais para expandir as fun­cional­i­dades da plataforma, como dis­play, RF, con­t­role de motor, áudio, botões touch, etc. Abra o CCS e crie um novo pro­jeto con­forme abaixo: Happy Hack­ing! Ser­gio Prado. S3C2440 ARM9 Board. FriendlyARM Mini 2440 SBC (Single-Board Computer) with 400 MHz Samsung S3C2440 ARM9 processor.

S3C2440 ARM9 Board

Specification Dimension: 100 x 100 mm CPU: 400 MHz Samsung S3C2440 ARM926T (max freq. 533 MHz) RAM: 64 MB, 32 bit Bus Flash: up to 1GB NAND Flash EEPROM: 256 Byte (I2C) Ext.


Digi International. Open Hardware Physical Computing on ARM and Linux. OLIMEX LTD - OLinuXino ARDUINO MAPLE PINGUINO ARM AVR MAXQ MSP430 PIC LOW COST DEVELOPMENT BOARDS. All fun projects at Olimex Ltd. OLinuXino. OLINUXINO is Open Source software and Open Source Hardware, low cost EUR 30 Linux Industrial grade single board computer with GPIOs capable of operating at -25+85C.


The project is hosted at Github The development discussion groupOLinuXino forum People keep comparing OLINUXINO with Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone project, so we would like to state the differences here: Although the projects are similar, there are different goals and implementations: OLINUXINO is completely open source - including hardware and software, which means you have access to all the CAD files and sources and you can reuse them for your own personal or commercial projects.

OLINUXINO use a widely available microcontroller iMX233, which costs USD 5.50 in 100 pcs quantity. RASPBERRY PI have not released CAD files nor complete schematics, RPi uses processors from Broadcom which are not available for sale in small quantities, and it uses a BGA package which requires an expensive setup to assembly. Step 7: ...

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