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Search for Music Using Your Voice by Singing or Humming, View Music Videos, Join Fan Clubs, Share with Friends, Be Discovered and Much More For Free! - The Ultimate Road Trip Playlist — 50 Best Road Trip Songs | The Jetpacker. No road trip is complete without a playlist of songs that capture the spirit of traveling on the open road. So we’ve compiled a list of the 50 best road trip songs .

In order to make this be-all end-all totally definitive list that all other lists look up to, the songs had to meet the following criteria: a.) encompass the excitement and freedom of road tripping b.) make the time pass faster c.) keep you awake without the assistance of questionably legal pills named “No Doze” d.) contain lyrics so singable that you’ll legitimately consider trying out for the next “American Idol” e.) keep you distracted long enough to make you forget you need to pee (which subsequently means stopping at a heinous rest stop where the bathroom stalls are tagged with death threats and truckers hit on you) f.) drown out the sound of your annoying friend who complains about a developing deep vein thrombosis from being crammed in the backseat (tough it up!)

50. Tags: Music.


Radios. Rainy_evening_1. Instant Dance Party. Songs You Used To Love. ShortForm.