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Minecraft Achievement Generator - Create. CommandBook/Commands. Commands General Teleportation Tip: In the latest developer versions of CommandBook player's minecarts & horses will be teleported with them if they have the permission commandbook.teleport.vehicle.* Homes Warps Flight Players with the commandbook.flight.onjoin permission will have their flight enabled automatically on login.


Messaging Player Bans Since v2.0 CommandBook has a flexible bans system that supports temporary bans, storing ban reasons, and logging of every action. Exemption: Players with the commandbook.bans.exempt permission cannot be banned, unless the player banning them has the commandbook.bans.exempt.override permissions and uses the ban command with the -o flag. Temporary bans are given by using the /ban command with the -t <time> flag, where ban length is given as a series of [number][m|h|d|w|y] split by -. With this system, /ban -t 1h-5m platnicat would ban platnicat for one hour and five minutes. God This component provides godemode support for players. Miscellaneous ! Targets Mobs. Minecraft Server Plugin Tutorial : Essentials - German - Teil 2 (Signs) Brauen. Flowchart mit jedem Trank einzeln und seinen Braumöglichkeiten Brauen ist die Methode, mit der Tränke und werfbare Tränke in Minecraft hergestellt werden.


Es ist in der Vollversion 1.0.0 implementiert worden. [Bearbeiten] Allgemeine Anleitung zum Brauen Um brauen zu können, muss der Spieler einen Braustand craften, diesen platzieren und auf ihn rechtsklicken. Im einzelnen oberen Platz kann eine Reagenz platziert werden, um in die unteren Plätze, die Flaschen und/oder Tränke beinhalten können, destilliert zu werden. Solange mindestens einer der drei unteren Plätze gefüllt ist, wird das Brauen fortfahren, und zusätzliche Wasserflaschen oder Tränke können hinzugefügt werden.

Mods/CraftBook/Loren Steuerblöcke. Loren Steuerblöcke werden unterhalb der Schienen platziert, um das Verhalten der Loren zu steuern, wenn sie darüberfahren.

Mods/CraftBook/Loren Steuerblöcke

[Bearbeiten] Boosters (Hilfstriebwerk) Hilfstriebwerke erhöhen die Geschwindigkeit der Loren, wenn die über den Block fahren. Es gibt zwei verschiedene Hilfstriebwerke: Gold Erz: 25% schneller (125% resultierende Geschwindigkeit)Gold-Block: 100% schneller (200% resultierende Geschwindigkeit) [Bearbeiten] Brakes (Bremsen) Bremsen verringern die Geschwindigkeit der Loren, wenn die über den Block fahren. Soul Sand: 50% langsamer (50% resultierende Geschwindigkeit)Kies: 20% langsamer (80% resultierende Geschwindigkeit) [Bearbeiten] Reverse (Rückschlag) Der Rückschlag dreht die Loren in ihrer Fahrtrichtung um, sodas sie mit gleicher Geschwindigkeit in die andere Richtung fahren.

The "Science" & "Engineering" of (my) Piston Elevators : Part 3 Spirals. [MECH] MagicTorches v1.0 - Create Wireless Redstone Torches [BUKKIT DEV. [V1.2.5] Risugami's Mods - Everything Updated. Everything updated for 1.6.2.

[V1.2.5] Risugami's Mods - Everything Updated.

The mods directory will now be located in the same directory as minecraft jar, unless the default game directory is changed, where it will act like it had on older versions. Read this entire post. All of it. Downloading the mods means you agree to the disclaimer. You can skip the FAQ, but if you have an issue, consult it first, before consulting us. Modding now has its own IRC channel on, #risucraft. Disclaimer: These mods require altering minecraft.jar, and SMP may not work with these mods installed. Frequently Asked Questions Q: What is ModLoader? Q: Where is ModLoader?

Q: How do I install ModLoader? Q: Why did you link me that image? Q: Why does my game freeze on the loading screen? Q: Why does my game black screen? Q: Do these mods work with [older version]? Q: The AudioMod description hurt my head, is there some kind of readme that explains it in better detail? 0.0] The Clay Soldiers Mod V4. Minecraft Programmable Piano. WorldEdit/Selection. A fundamental part of WorldEdit is working with a selection or region.


For example, if you wanted to replace all the glass blocks inside a square area with dirt, you would have to tell WorldEdit where this square is. WorldEdit gives you several ways to select a region for editing, this section will introduce you to selecting regions and show you what you can do with them. Selecting cuboids At the moment, WorldEdit allows you to select cuboids (think a 3D rectangle) by choosing two points at two corners of the cuboid.

The diagram below indicates how two points can form a cuboid. There are several different ways of choosing these two points and you can mix and match. Selecting with the wand //wand The most intuitive way to select a region is by using wand. Selecting at your own location //pos1 //pos2 These commands set the first and second corners to the block above the one that you are standing on. Selecting with your crosshair //hpos1 //hpos2 Selecting the current chunk //chunk. Minecraft Redstone Tutorial: Kompakter 4-Bit Binary Counter (0-15) [German] Minecraft Redstone Tutorial: XOR Gate. Minecraft Tutorial - Block um zwei Felder verschieben. Minecraft Logic Gates. [Plugin][Bukkit] FalseBook - over 50ICs [1.5] Guard - Citizens. Let's Play Minecraft #024 [Deutsch] [HD] - Die Basics auffrischen.

Minecraft Mod Review - Little Blocks [GERMAN] Minecraft ID List. Minecraft item id list WITH POTION ID!!!