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Introduction to our Flipped Classroom. What is the Flipped Model? Top 5 Web Tools my students will be using this next year in my Flipped Class. Mr. Driscoll's Class Wiki - Flipped Class Screencasts. Managing the Flipped Classroom Using Google Apps.

Tech Savy Teacher

The Flipped Classroom. Flipteaching. Learning Initiative 7 Things You Should Know About Flipped Classrooms. Managing the Flipped Classroom Using Google Apps. FlippedLearning - EduVision. History Teachers - Teacher Vodcasting and Flipped Classroom Network. Flipping History Q & A. Since I started flipping my world history class this year, many educators have asked questions about the model and its implementation.

Flipping History Q & A

Chase Moore (@moore2cw), a fellow world history teacher interested in the flipped model, recently posed the following questions. He had recently read my post about the flipped mastery model in our history class (which has since changed a bit, more below). I thought posting this brief conversation could further the discussion online with others interested in the ways that the flipped model can be applied to the social studies classroom.

“How do you develop your Standards?” After a few units of flipping, I started applying a standards-based-grading approach. I have since changed the terminology to “learning goals,” since this resonates with the students more than “standards.” For example, one learning goal will be from Standard 1: Content Knowledge. Here is a link to the document I provided the students: Learning Goals I break each unit into three topics. Goal of Flipped Class Videos: Content Delivery or Skill Development? It recently occurred to me that since I began flipping my world history course in January, each of my screencast lectures have had one overarching goal: content delivery.

Goal of Flipped Class Videos: Content Delivery or Skill Development?

This has proven tremendously useful and the early results, considering both assessment scores and student feedback, are encouraging. Transitioning some of my direct instruction (content delivery through lecture) to video has helped students understand some of the major events and themes from world history, but I realized what I should shift my focus towards: building social studies skills! Since most of our class time is now spent working on such skills, I now have a better understanding of their ability to engage in such learning experiences. In sum, I overestimated many of their abilities. For example, we recently worked on evaluating the historical significance of cold war events. Then, it dawned on me. We also realized that there were several other benefits to creating skills based screencasts… Flipped-History. Creating Assessments. Video organization using Google Spreadsheets and Sites.

Flipped Classroom Network

Dr. Lodge McCammon's FIZZ - Education - Raleigh, NC. Mr. Driscoll's Class Wiki - Flipping the Class. | THE BASICS | Flipped Class In Action | | Getting Started | Student Access | | Flipped Class Resources Welcome to today's professional development session on "flipping the class!

Mr. Driscoll's Class Wiki - Flipping the Class

" Below is a brief intro video (also a sample screencast...) What is a "flipped class? " First, it is not (I repeat NOT) simply having students watch Khan Academy videos at school. Since that is out of the way, the following links provide great overviews of the flipped class model. Below, I have linked videos of the flipped class in action. Today, we will be using screencast-o-matic to make our initial videos. Steps:Go to "Watch a very quick demo" on the left. Where to begin... here are a few website that are a great place to start.Flipped Learning This site is a great resource for all things "flipped class. " If you are currently scoffing in condescension, please reconsider your preconvieved notion of Twitter. Friday Institute for Educational Innovation - FIZZ. Internet Catalogue. The Flipped Classroom Infographic.


About. About Jon Jon is a teacher, educational coach, and writer who has had the privilege of helping educators “turn learning on its head.”


Jon, along with Aaron Sams, is considered a pioneer in the Flipped Class Movement. He spent 24 years as a middle and high school science teacher before becoming the lead technology facilitator for a school district in the Chicago suburbs. Today Jon is dedicated to writing, speaking and otherwise promoting the flipped classroom concept. Jon helped found the Flipped Learning Network, a non-profit organization which provides resources and research about flipped learning. In 2002, Jon received the Presidential Award for Excellence for Math and Science Teaching; and in 2010, he was named Semi-Finalist for Colorado Teacher of the Year. Jon is the father of three amazing young people and is happily married to the love of his life.