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Blog — Client-side Javascript errors tracking in the browser. Tracking Javascript errors in production is very critical and still few of the developers do it. Many of them assume that launching a Web App is the final step of a project and “their job here is done as the Web site is finished now”. It’s hard to realize that launching is only half of the job. The app has to be monitored and a lot of feedback and usability tracking should be done to get it to the final level. Critical Javascript errors can occur in the client’s browser while using a heavy Javascript Single Page App and prevent them to finalize a payment, a signup or searching for the right product… Sometimes, these errors can even prevent the page load , so, the site user will barely understand what’s the Web Page about and leave.

Most of this errors are a result of the unsupported browser versions, poorly developed browser extensions, wrongly handled mobile devices or the app’s code itself. To make the debugging process less painful, we developed JSLogger . jQuery Masonry. Bookmarks for destroytoday tagged 'javascript' Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework. CoffeeScript. Build Awesome Javascript MVC Applications - Spine. Buyer Protection Program When you buy a domain name at, you’re automatically covered by our unique Buyer Protection Program.

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