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Mikamar Publishing. Thoth Newsletter (Archive) Kronia Group. Immanuel Velikovsky Papers, 1920-1996 (bulk 1930-1979) Summary Overview Velikovsky, Immanuel, 1895-1979.

Immanuel Velikovsky Papers, 1920-1996 (bulk 1930-1979)

Cosmos Without Gravitation. Flare Star (Book) For more than a century, there has been nearly one theory a year to account for the cause of ice ages.

Flare Star (Book)

Few mysteries of natural science have been as vexing. And just as troublesome has been the question of what brought these ages to an end. Following the hypothesis proffered in God Star, the prequel to this work, Flare Star sets out to show that Earth’s last Ice Age came suddenly to an end due to the cosmic catastrophe that was caused by the proto-Saturnian system’s entry into the present Sun’s domain of influence.

Very much as in God Star, this is partly demonstrated through the message contained in mankind’s mytho-historical record. God Star (Book) God Star: If you are uncomfortable with the equally implausible literal creationist or the modern mythology version of what happened in the ancient times, then these 518 pages will show you that the sky earlier man remembers was entirely different from the one that now stretches above us.

God Star (Book)

This is firmly supported through ancient texts, artwork, and symbology from all over the world which deal with the astronomical lore of our forebears. As if with a single voice, these sources proclaim that the present planet we know as Saturn once shone as an earlier sun in Earth's primordial sky. This claim receives credence through the fact that astronomers now view the planet Saturn as the remnant of what had once been a brown dwarf star. The Many Faces of Venus (Book) Book Info The Many Faces of Venus: The Planet Venus in Ancient Myth and Religion is a soft cover book of 222 pages published by AEON Press.

The Many Faces of Venus (Book)

This book by Ev Cochrane, a member of the Kronia Group, is an indispensable guide to the mythology of Venus as Queen of Heaven and terrible goddess. On the subject of Venus as the Great Comet, no other book compares to this exhaustive treatment. Author Contents. Thunderbolts of the Gods (Book+DVD) Thunderbolts of the Gods by David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill introduces the reader to an age of planetary instability and earthshaking electrical events--the wars of the planet gods--in ancient times.

Thunderbolts of the Gods (Book+DVD)

This 108-page full-color monograph, based on the life work of the two authors--standing on the shoulders of many others--, offers a wide range of material and evidence resulting in a synthesis of historical investigation and the newly-revised plasma cosmology. The authors claim that celestially-caused upheaval occurred so recently as to have profoundly affected early human cultures, provoking “incomprehensible” myths, symbols, and commemorative practices. Mikamar Publishing. Kronia Group.