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National Lampoon Sunday Newspaper Parody 1978. The 50 Scariest Short Stories of All Time. It’s that time of year again, when the pumpkins come out, the fake cobwebs are hung and we feel that dormant urge to be chilled, thrilled and spooked to our bones.

The 50 Scariest Short Stories of All Time

Get out your flashlights, because a scary story awaits — actually, make that fifty of them. Now, there’s more to scary stories than goblins, ghouls, blood and your general horror — here there be monsters of many kinds, existential and literal, extraordinary and everyday. And remember: like beauty, fear is in the bloody eye of the beholder. So whether you yearn for classic horror or literary fiction guaranteed to make your skin crawl, read on. If you dare! “I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream,” Harlan Ellison Ellison’s 1967 cult classic is a post-apocalyptic, sci-fi version of hell, in which the last four survivors on the planet are tortured by a vindictive and all-powerful computer.


Short films viewable online. 10 Science Fiction Novels You Pretend to Have Read (And Why You Should Actually Read Them) Capsule. The best way to convert PDFs to Kindle format. PDF is probably the most popular digital file format on the planet.

The best way to convert PDFs to Kindle format

When it comes to digital publications, it’s definitely the most commonly used format of all. That’s why there is no shortage of great readers that you can use for viewing PDFs on your desktop computer. There’s also great PDF readers available for all types of mobile devices, of both the Android and iOS varieties. However, there is one very popular e-reader that does not fully support PDFs. It is Amazon’s Kindle. In such situations it would be best to convert your PDF into the Kindle format (azw).

The best way to convert your PDFs is by using Amazon itself. You then need to synchronize your Kindle with your Amazon cloud storage account and the newly converted PDF will be waiting for you there. You can find your personal email address within your Amazon user account or on your Kindle by going to Settings > Device Option > Personalize your Kindle on your e-reader. Print Friendly & PDF. 614 Sq. Ft. SOLETA Zero Energy One Tiny Home. If you like tiny homes on foundations then the SOLETA might interest you.

614 Sq. Ft. SOLETA Zero Energy One Tiny Home

It’s a zero energy tiny house created by Catalin Butmalai of the Justin Capra Foundation for Invention in Romania. The house is on display at the United States Embassy in Bucharest. Not only does it power itself thanks to solar and wind, but it can also be managed with your smartphone. It’s 48 square meters downstairs and 9 square meters up in the loft. That translates to 516 square feet downstairs and 96 square feet upstairs. So 612 square feet in total living space without including the outside deck space. Images: I encourage you to enjoy the complete tour (including video!) Living Area Storage Cabinet Doubles as Staircase to Loft Bathroom Sleeping Loft Japanese Style Dining Area Extra Dining Space in the Kitchen The Kitchen Climate is also controlled with a ventilation monitoring system that can be managed with your smartphone.

Notice the windows that open and close below. Floor Plan. Republic Wireless. 12 Seriously Disturbing Pictures Of Children’s Nightmares. On his website, Joshua writes: “I am interested in the psychology of fear.” 2.

12 Seriously Disturbing Pictures Of Children’s Nightmares

“Horror, as an art form, draws its strength from the unconscious.” 3. “We are all born with certain inherent and instinctual fears, such as fear of the dark, the fear of lurking danger, and the fear of being eaten. As we grow older these fears lose their intensity and are slowly shuffled away into our unconscious.” 4.


5 Amazing Short Science-Fiction Movies Available On YouTube. Who doesn’t like to watch a good sci-fi movie every once in a while?

5 Amazing Short Science-Fiction Movies Available On YouTube

While every movie genre has a certain kick to it, science-fiction has everything an average sofa adventurer could ever wish for. There are interesting settings, fascinating worlds and bold questions being asked at every turn – all of which are fueled by some of the wildest tech you could possibly imagine. The thing is, to properly appreciate such a movie, one has to invest time and willpower in understanding everything that’s going on around it.

There is always much to think about, and some of these fictional universes require a healthy dose of additional scouring through alternative media to figure everything out. This is not a bad thing in any way, mind you. Not to worry: YouTube comes to the rescue. The most fascinating thing is that some such “movies” do their job even better than full feature movies do. Write about Film and GET PAID.

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