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Fernsehsender in Deutschland | | Die SocialMedia-Statistiken der Medienbranche | Sebastian Pertsch. 2,5 Stunden privat am Arbeitsplatz: Jeder zweite bei Facebook. If Social Media Controlled the News in 2011 [Infographic] 2011 year will always be remembered for coming years. It was the year filled with lots of Social Media channels and news. We had witnessed the fierce war between the two social networks Google+ and Facebook. It was a year about Browser Wars and moreover Social Media was a trending topic of 2011. Agree with us? Twitter was one of the strongest or precisely the second most used social media site of 2011, next to Facebook.

Here is a small inforgraphic by Frugal Dad which says “what if social media controlled the news!” Source (via) If you’re given a chance to choose any one social network as your news source, which one would you choose ?? Statistiken »» Social Media Führerschein - Workshops und Coaching in Social Media Kommunikation, Monitoring, Marketing und Messung. Social media around the world 2011.

Social Media Statistiken | Studien, Slides, Infografiken und Videos. User-Generated-Content.jpg (962×3451) Average-Day-on-Facebook.jpg (756×2682) Facebook_infografik_v3_sm.jpg (550×2629)