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Science Misconceptions

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A Private Universe. Annenberg Media - Teachers' Lab. Starting Point-Teaching Entry Level Geoscience. Bad Science. ActionBioscience - promoting bioscience literacy. Fundamental Biosciences Life sciences include disciplines of science that are concerned with the scientific study of life – including microbes, plants, and animals, including humans. Biology is an umbrella term for the natural sciences that study life, with the other life sciences serving as subfields.

In our holistic approaches to health, life and wellbeing, the area of Life Sciences complements all areas of our website with a more scientific point of view to better understand the advances in bioscience and their profound implications. Also, in the area of Life sciences, we aim to promote the understanding of biodiversity of life and improve bioscience literacy to increase global ecological consciousness and promote bioscience education.

We see a fundamental knowledge of bioscience as a basis to be able to improve health of humans, animals and the environment for a balanced ecosystem. Goals and Features of Bioscience on