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How to Improve Your Rankings with Semantic Keyword Research. From Google’s Panda, Search Plus Your World and Venice updates, in the last year alone the SEO landscape has changed. And while that means your SEO strategy will change, too, there is one thing that remains the same…keywords. Keywords remain important to your content and link strategies.

But there is one change coming down the Google pipeline that will change keywords…semantic search technology and the human element. What is semantic search? Basically, semantic search is technology that tries to determine what users mean when they type in a certain keyword. They explore the semantics of those words…or the meaning behind them. For example, if someone typed in “laptop” do they mean: That they want to buy a laptop? In the real world most people don’t search with one keyword…additional keywords give additional clues. Even then search engines aren’t always right. Semantic search will look at how those words relate to each other and look for clues on how you entered them…location being crucial.

Tutorial 3: Semantic Modeling. Next: Introducing RDFS & OWL Whilst RDF offers a flexible, graph-based model for recording data that is interchangable globally, it doesn't offer any means to record semantics or meaning. Saving technical specifics for the next lesson, let's make a review of the models of data which are commonly available and explain what all the fuss is about. After this tutorial, you should be able to: Compare and contrast the properties of the various data modeling types and their typical scope.Recognise the benefits that the semantic web model offers over traditional modeling approaches.Understand the terms vocabulary and ontology in semantic web terms.Understand the role of metadata initiatives (e.g. Dublin Core) in standardizing information interchange.Estimated time: 5 minutes You should have already understood the following lesson (and pre-requisites) before you begin: Tutorial 2: Introducing RDF There are various popular, mainstream ways to model data, some of which have emerged later than others.

InfoRapid KnowledgeBase Builder - MindMaps als Wissensspeicher. PanThema: Semantische Ordnung | Sortiment. Wer online ein Buch zu einem konkreten Thema und für eine bestimmte Altersgruppe sucht – etwa eine Skater-Fibel für Zwölfjährige –, bleibt oft erfolglos. Die Verschlagwortung von Onlineshops ist entweder rudimentär oder fördert Zufallsfunde zutage. Für eine systematische Suche wird deshalb ein Verfahren benötigt, das die vorhandenen Buch­themen klassifiziert und hierarchisch gliedert. "Der Bedarf für ein solches Verfahren ist nicht zuletzt durch das hohe Aufkommen neuer Titel, vor allem E-Books, enorm gestiegen", sagt Martin Lüning von der Abteilung Informa­tionsdienste der MVB, der an dem Projekt beteiligt ist.

Auf der London Book Fair 2013 wurde eine Pilot-Ver­sion des neuen Buchklassifikations-Standards PanThema vorgestellt, der auf der englischen Buchklassifikation "BIC Standard Subject Categories" beruht – einem über Jahre bewährten System, das in Großbritannien die Funktion der hiesigen Warengruppen übernimmt. Microsoft Has Big Plans For Bing’s Entity Engine. Both Microsoft and Google have long worked on getting users answers without having to click through a number of websites. At Google, the current result of this is the Knowledge Graph and at Bing, it’s the company’s entity engine (previously referred to internally as Satori). Both search engines currently offer very similar experiences related to these engines. Search for “Albert Einstein” in Google and Bing, for example, and the right sidebar will give you plenty of information about him. But both companies have a different approach to how they plan to push these entities forward.

Earlier this week, I sat down with the lead of Microsoft’s Bing Experiences group, Derrick Connell, to discuss the state of entities in Bing and the company’s vision for the future of entities in its search engines. “The way we think about entities is that Microsoft wants to enable people to do more,” he told me. Besides getting to an answer, though, search also has to be about being able to take action. Das Grundprinzip. Auf Grund seiner Befähigung, mittels intelligenter Analyseverfahren unstrukturierte Ausgangsinformationen automatisch in ein strukturiertes Endergebnis (z.B. eine lauffähige IT-Anwendung) zu überführen, ergeben sich für den kenroadsDesigner eine Vielzahl möglicher Einsatzgebiete.

Unabhängig vom konkreten Anwendungsgebiet folgt die Nutzung des kenroadsDesigner aus Anwendersicht jedoch immer demselben Grundmuster, dessen Hauptmerkmal ein prototypischer Ansatz auf Basis eines konstruktiven iterativen Entwicklerdialogs ist. Hierbei wird zunächst eine "Rohfassung" der Ausgangsinformationen vom kenroadsDesigner analysiert und verarbeitet, um möglichst frühzeitig einen ersten Ergebnisprototypen zu erhalten. Mit diesem können nun nicht nur die Analyseergebnisse überprüft, sondern bereits erste "praktische" Erfahrungen mit dem lauffähigen Zwischenergebnis gesammelt werden. Daraus wiederum ergeben sich einerseits inhaltliche Anregungen für die Weiterentwicklung der angestrebten Lösung. Team. Google Wants To Build The Ultimate Personal Assistant.

Google Search is changing rapidly. Given the company’s love of small, rapid-fire updates, its sometimes hard to keep track of where the company is going, but earlier this month, at the LeWeb conference in Paris, Google Engineering Director Scott Huffman presented a pretty compelling overview of the direction Google is taking in search. Here’s the gist of it: Google knows our expectations of what a search engine should be able to do is quickly changing. The old “ten blue links” search results page is quickly going away for something far smarter that, according to Huffman, will resemble a personal assistant more than the search tool Google that launched over fifteen years ago. Indeed, that’s what Huffman considers Google’s goal: creating the ultimate personal assistant.

The next generation of search, he said, is all about making “all your tasks as you go through the day simpler and quicker.” Image credit: meneame comunicacions, sl. Beyond Big Data - Clueda. A Semantics Approach to Information Management | Articles. By Jelani Harper Semantics technologies have emerged as one of the most influential means of Data Management. A March report from Gartner identified semantics technologies as one of the top trends impacting information infrastructure in 2013. There is a utilitarian aspect of Semantics technologies that can bring value to virtually any organization, regardless of its industry. It is ideal as a means of federating data and is well suited for use with Big Data’s variability due to its reduction of data to a single format regardless of structure.

It also facilitates agility and helps to simplify data for business users. Recent developments in Semantics have made it much more user-friendly, enabling executives and worker bees to identify business value with it expediently. “In the past 30 years or so, the meaning of data has been in the structure that we store it in. Triple Play Storage and Agility The Art of Expression A Long Road. Three Leading Arguments for Semantic Technologies. Those involved with the semantic Web are passionate as to why they are involved. This passion and the articulateness behind it are notable factors in why there is indeed a ‘semantic Web community.’ Like few other fields — perhaps including genomics or 3D manufacturing — semantic technologies tend to attract exceptionally smart, committed and passionate people.

Across this spectrum of advocates there are thousands of pages of PDFs and academic treatises as to semantic this or semantic that. There is gold in these hills, and much to mine. Fred Giasson and I at Structured Dynamics feel we have done a pretty fair job of answering these questions. Yet, on the other hand, we have found dedicated customers and steady and growing support from the arguments we do make. It is also obvious that the arguments an academic needs to make to a funding agency or commission are much different than what is desired by commercial customers. The claims for semantic technologies are not an exception. Be Informed - Semantic technology. Be Informed offers true semantic technology: a complete business process platform that enables you to Free your business. This demo video introduces the power of semantic technology: 4. Building an application from scratch using Be Informed Be Informed Semantic Modeling When building a world-class business operation, organizations need to harness various types of ­complexity, imposed both from the outside world and within the organization.

Not only large enterprises face these issues; smaller organizations face them, too. Absolutely crucial in harnessing – and even embracing – the reality of complexity are clear definitions of all of the business activities and the information associated with them in terms of their effect, purpose and how they interact with other business activities.

White paper: Be Informed Semantic Modeling Be Informed is...