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Grid Computing

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GridPP - UK Computing for Particle Physics. This introduction answers some frequently asked questions about the Grid: What is the Grid?

GridPP - UK Computing for Particle Physics

Why do we need the Grid? What makes the Grid different from the Web or Internet? What is GridPP doing? Who and what is involved in GridPP? What is grid computing? Although "the Grid" is still just a dream... grid computing is already reality.

What is grid computing?

Imagine several million computers from all over the world, and owned by thousands of different people. Imagine they include desktops, laptops, supercomputers, data vaults, and instruments like mobile phones, meteorological sensors and telescopes... Now imagine that all of these computers can be connected to form a single, huge and super-powerful computer! Cloud Open source. P2P. Google Cloud Connect. Welcome To The Grid On Tryscience. Grid computing.