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Clanfield CE Primary School. Maths - Section 1. Math Games - HOODA MATH - over 500 Math Games.


Primary Maths (Numeracy) Interactive Games. Addition in Columns. You can do addition by writing one number below the other and then add one column at a time, like this: (Practice on this Simple Column Addition Worksheets) And it works for bigger numbers, too: But sometimes two-digit numbers can get in the way like this: THIS is how it should be done: Here's another example (done a little faster): Now practice on this Column Addition (with Carrying) Worksheets The same method works with numbers in the hundreds, thousands and so on. Like this: COMPARE NUMBERS. Roman Numerals. Speed Challenge - 6-11 year olds. MyMaths - Bringing Maths Alive. MathsStarters. Counting to 10 Interactive Mad Maths. Maths Games and Interactive activities. Sort. Printable Shapes 2D and 3D. "Math Salamanders Free Math Sheets" Welcome to Math Salamanders Printable 2D and 3D Shapes Clip art.

Here you will find a wide range of free printable 2D and 3D shape sheets for display or to support Math learning. Thank you for honoring our copyright. The Math Salamanders hope you enjoy using our collection of free Math Worksheets printable for kids. The Math Salamanders have a large bank of free printable shape clipart. Each of the printable shape sheets is available either in color or black and white. Using this shape clipart will help your child understand to recognize shapes and learn about the different properties that shapes have. On the sheets with multiple shapes, we have shown the shapes in different sizes and orientations so that your child will recognize variations of the same shape, and start noticing the properties the same shapes all have.

The sheets can be used as part of a Math display, as flashcards, or as printable coloring sheets. Using these sheets will help your child to:


Enrich Primary. Magic_square_v4. Math is Fun - Maths Resources. Primary Maths (Numeracy) Interactive Games. Maths Games and Interactive activities. Numeracy+on+a+broomstick. Number/finger rhymes. Problems of the Month. Problem solving is the cornerstone of doing mathematics. A problem that you can’t solve in less than a day is usually a problem that is similar to one that you have solved before. But in real life, a problem is a situation that confronts you and you don’t have an idea of where to even start. If we want our students to be problem solvers and mathematically powerful, we must model perseverance and challenge students with non-routine problems. Administrators, teachers and parents should facilitate and support students in the process of attacking and reasoning about the problems. The solution is not as important as the process of problem solving. The educator or parent should not be impatient with the student’s struggle.

The principal should embrace the concept of problem solving and model problem-solving leadership, being a facilitator of non-routine problems. Once the problem is presented to the students, the principal should be visible in facilitating the tasks alongside the teachers. OCSD Interactive Games.

Design Your Own Games Pre-Made Games Matching Game Directions- In this game you can match up words. You have two columns to work in . Type in your words in the first column and the matching words in the second column. You should have at least 8 pairs of words. Type in a Title for your game. Editing Your Matching Games If you need to edit your game open up the matching game and type in the filename in the box and then hit load. Term Matching Game- In this game you can put in terms and definitions. Type in a Title for your game. Graphic Matching Game- In this game you can match up words with graphics or use all graphics. Email me a page (either a web page or a word document) that has the images you want to use.

Drag Matching Game Directions- In this game you can match up words by dragging them. Type in a Title for your game. Drag Term Matching Game- In this game you can put in terms and definitions. Type in a Title for your game. Type in a Title for your game. Maths, Key Stage 2. What Fraction? A IWB teaching resource for helping children to understand fractions of amounts. This resource has attractive sets of images which can be changed to represent different fractions. Intended for oral work. Fractions This site is a good teaching tool for demonstrating halves, quarters and thirds. You can download the resource to use offline. Fraction Flags Design a flag to match various fractions. Egg Fractions Various fraction related activities such as ordering, matching, sharing amounts and more designed around the theme of eggs. Fraction Square A simple teaching tool with drag and drop features. Fraction Bars A manipulative which can help with the teaching and learning of fractions.

Fraction Machine Tool The TESiboard Fraction Machine Tool is a great activity for exploring equivalence. Fraction Strip Equivalent Fractions Finder Experiment visually with the values of equivalent fractions of a square or circle. Adding and Subtracting Fractions Fractions of Something Game Decimals Ratio. Ict games. Woodlands Maths Zone - Fun interactive maths games. Maths Zone < Maths Zone - IWB Math Games for Learning. Ordering Fractions. KS2 Numeracy. We have split the resources in to 7 groups as the page was very long and slow to load.Use the sub menu above to navigate within the KS2 Numeracy resources. Here are a few of the latest Key Stage 2 Maths resources. © A versatile 12x12 square with three highlight colours, hide or reveal, variable start number and a variable step feature.

Can you work out what the machine is doing to each number you put in? Read Sam's note and buy exactly what she asks for. Click on each child to find out their favourite hobby. Pass your driving test! Make a number between 425 and 450 by dragging the digits into the right places in the number machine. © Can you meet the 8 division challenge? Can you solve the problems using your division skills? Select two of the number tiles so that when they are multiplied together they equal the target value shown under the word "Number". Countdown Maths Investigation. Math Word Problems. Comparing and Ordering Fractions. Number Time- Printable Worksheets. MEP Primary - Year 3 Interactive. MEP Primary - Year 4 Interactive. 6 - 8 Years Old - Interactive Whiteboard Links.