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Affinité prédictive. Artificial bodyparts. It sounds like a sci-fi movie – doctors growing body parts to cure our ills. But thanks to incredible breakthroughs, bionic repairs for humans are fast becoming a reality. Experts yesterday revealed they are perfecting “off the shelf” blood vessels, which could revolutionise treatment of heart attacks and strokes. If the Cambridge University blood vessel team is successful, patients could be spared major operations. The test tube vessels may also treat kidney dialysis patients and repair injuries. And because the patient’s own skin cells are used, there is less chance of rejection. Professor Jeremy Pearson, of the British Heart Foundation, said: “This is very advanced. Here are other ways science is giving nature a helping hand... Experts are working on a cure for blindness - and have taken huge strides towards their goal.

Miikka Terho, 46, from Finland, who suffered an inherited form of blindness called retinitis pigmentosa, was fitted with an experimental chip behind his retina in Germany. Champ pivot. Emblem example. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. L’emblème (nom masculin) est un idéogramme, une couleur, une forme, un animal ou autre signe conventionnel de valeur symbolique, destiné à représenter une idée, un être physique ou moral. Quelques exemples d'emblèmes[modifier | modifier le code] Un drapeau est l'emblème d'une nationLa colombe est l'emblème de la paixLa couronne de laurier est l'emblème de la gloire Franglais[modifier | modifier le code] Depuis la fin de XXe siècle, la notion d'emblème est fréquemment exprimée en français courant, et spécialement dans le français médiatique de France, par le mot icône[1].

Cette impropriété de terme s'est répandue sous l'influence de mauvaises traductions mot à mot de l'anglo-américaine icon, dans des contextes où icon n'est pas effectivement employé au sens d'icône (c'est-à-dire image pieuse du rite orthodoxe), mais au sens de emblème ; puis, par analogie figurée désignant des personnes : grande figure, chef de file, vedette, idole , etc. eVa's 3D- memory. Update 12/2/15: We've now followed up on this story: The more we learn about memory, the weirder it gets.

The original continues below. MIT researchers have shown, for the first time ever, that memories are stored in specific brain cells. By triggering a small cluster of neurons, the researchers were able to force the subject to recall a specific memory. By removing these neurons, the subject would lose that memory. As you can imagine, the trick here is activating individual neurons, which are incredibly small and not really the kind of thing you can attach electrodes to.

Now, just to temper your excitement, we should note that MIT's subjects in this case are mice -- but it's very, very likely that the human brain functions in the same way. In the experiment, MIT gave mice an electric shock to create a fear memory in the hippocampus region of the brain (pictured above) -- and then later, using laser light, activated the neurons where the memory was stored. eVa's 4D- movment. eVa's crypting. Insects drones. A conceptual insect robot If you are talking about big boys’ toys, then surely being part of the military’s hush-hush research and development team would place you squarely in the front line of being able to play with such new technology. While UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) have done their bit in wars across the world to be able to scout enemy territory without putting human lives at risk, they are large – and unwieldy at times. What happens when one wants to perform a delicate operation that has a far more covert objective?

This is where miniature sized robots come in handy – and insect drones could be the answer to this question. The extremely tiny remote controlled vehicles that are based on insects will most likely have been deployed in sensitive areas to date, where these are called the micro air vehicles (MAVs), and will share similar physics as that employed by flying insects. . Iris structure. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Iris. On trouve des iris dans tout l'hémisphère nord, aussi bien en Europe qu'en Asie, en Afrique du Nord et en Amérique du Nord. Le mot « iris » est un emprunt médiéval au latin iris, iridis, lui-même emprunté au grec Iris, Iridos désignant la messagère des dieux, personnification de l'arc-en-ciel. Le terme a d'ailleurs longtemps été employé pour désigner l'arc-en-ciel. On le trouve associé à la fleur à partir du XIIIe siècle, en raison de la coloration de ses pétales, aux reflets irisés[réf. nécessaire].

Déjà considéré comme sacré par les Égyptiens, l'iris est devenu, sous le nom héraldique de fleur de lys, le symbole de la royauté en France. L'iris d'Angleterre (Iris latifolia) est en fait à l'origine une belle espèce endémique des Pyrénées. Feuilles d'iris Plantes vivaces, composées d'au moins deux catégories : Tige très développée.

Les feuilles sont alternes, à base engainante, presque toujours ensiformes. Isola beata. Lotus example. Fuyo Group From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Fuyo Group (芙蓉グループ Fuyō Gurūpu?) Is a Japanese keiretsu. The group emerged after World War II as a continuation of the Yasuda zaibatsu. Fuyo is Japanese for "lotus". Companies[edit] Retrieved from " Categories: Keiretsu Hidden categories: Navigation menu Personal tools Namespaces Variants Views Actions Navigation Interaction Tools Print/export Languages This page was last modified on 7 August 2013 at 16:14. Lotus structure. A common misconception is referring to the lotus as a water lily (Nymphaea), an entirely different plant, as can be seen in the center of the flowers, which lack the structure that goes on to form the distinctive circular seed pod in the Nelumbo nucifera.

[citation needed] Native to Tropical Asia and Queensland, Australia,[2][3] it is commonly cultivated in water gardens. It is also the national flower of India and Vietnam. Classification[edit] Plant taxonomy systems agree that this species belong in the Nelumbo genus, but disagree as to which family Nelumbo is in, or whether it should be part of its own unique family and order tree. Botany[edit] Flower bud The roots of lotus are planted in the soil of the pond or river bottom, while the leaves float on top of the water surface or are held well above it. As mentioned earlier, the traditional Sacred Lotus is only distantly related to Nymphaea caerulea, but possesses similar chemistry. Uses[edit] Cultural significance[edit] Chinese: {{{3}}}[11]

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