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Ozy and Millie. Twokinds - Updates Wednesdays. Sea Salt Ice-Cream, Not Just for Nobodies (Recipe Included) | Disorganization XIII. Asian Fashion (Korean Fashion, Japanese Fashion, Taiwanese Fashion) – Buy Online with Free International Shipping on orders over $150. MS Paint Adventures. Introdoucing, 20104............ the NEWD YEAR Gigapause status: STILL GIGAPAUSED. It's almost over, right? Um, no, sorry. I still have no time estimate, or specific date I am shooting for. 4/13 would be the COOLEST date to shoot for, right? I doubt that's realistic though.

Because in spite of my most religious wishes every single day, magic keeps on being fake. THANKS, "god". What is the status, then? Homestuck probably needs another month of writing before I can start making panels. Kickstarter - Speaking of the game, I sent out a backer update just before the newd year. One question I feel like I should answer out in the open even though I kinda thought it was obvious (there is no such thing as obvious) since I see it come up so much: yes, you will be able to purchase the game, even if you did not back the Kickstarter!

Contest - In the near future, I'm going to be putting out some neat things through We Love Fine. Vinyl Figures - These are up in the store now! MegaTokyo - relax, we understand j00. Zap! Online Comic.