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Tradiciones Orales. ¿Quienes Somos? Ayllu Initiative. About the Institute. First Power. Atlas Corps. QHAPAQ ÑAN. No a la venta – sala de proyecciones | No a la venta. Los proyectos de Pachamama Raymi. ¿Talvez Usted desee apoyar alguno de estos proyectos? LEDC. Nosotros. Portal de Moda, Desfiles, Tendencias fashion, Diseñadores- IOPscience::.. Welcome! Association ECLat. The Sustainable Village - Fostering Appropriate Technology, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development in Communities Internationally. Rural Poverty Portal. Hide Monitoring social transformation for the vulnerable using visioning and household mentoring The District Livelihoods Support Programme (DLSP), implemented by the Ministry of Local Government in Uganda, and funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has been piloting the use of visioning and household mentoring as a new approach to tackle rural poverty among poor communities.

The approaches have the unique aspect of providing social transformation for the most vulnerable households by empowering them to make joint decisions as a family and tackle their challenges. So far, the approach has shown great improvement in family income, gender equality, as well as awareness of other community programmes from which households can benefit. In visioning, the targeted household members are guided to develop a vision - a clear description of how they would like their households to look like after exploring possible strategies to fight poverty. Source: IFAD. CENTRO DE EDUCACION AMBIENTAL Y TECNOLOGIA APLICADA. WAVES for Development International. Amitié Solidarité Pérou-l'Association. Objectifs. With 500’000 members in approximately 50member and/or partner organisations throughout the globe, the Naturefriends movement – which was founded in 1895 – is one of the largest non-governmental organisations (NGOs) worldwide.

Our members are active in local groups and are represented in regional, national and federal associations. Naturefriends International is the global umbrella organisation and a member of the Green 10, the platform of the ten largest European environmental organisations. Naturefriends are internationally, ecologically and socially minded Environmental protection and social justice are the causes espoused by the Naturefriends movement, which is global in character and democratic in structure.

The focus of Naturefriends activities is on designing and implementing sustainability schemes for the environment and for the society at regional, national and international level. Naturefriends stand for Naturefriends champion. PFII - United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. Commemoration the Fifth Anniversary of the Adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples January 24, 2012 The General Assembly has requested a high-level event during the eleventh session of the Permanent Forum to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in order to raise awareness of the importance of pursuing its objectives.

Please click here to read the entire text (A/66/459) A New Edition of the Message Stick is Out. December 23, 2011 Please click here to read the final edition of the Message Stick for 2011. The United Nations Democracy Fund invites civil society organizations to apply for funding. Ited Nations: Civil Society Participation (iCSO) The integrated Civil Society Organizations (iCSO) System, developed by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), facilitates interactions between civil society organizations and DESA. The system provides online registration of general profiles for civil society organizations, including address, contacts, activities and meeting participation, facilitates the application procedure for consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and assists accredited NGOs in submitting quadrennial reports and in designating representatives to the United Nations.

DESA has also developed CSO Net - the Civil Society Network, a web portal devoted to non-governmental organizations in association with the United Nations, and to members of United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, to promote best practices in the field of economic and social development. The portal gives users the opportunity to publish news and to engage and moderate discussion forums. Espacio Iberoamericano de Juventud. El portal de los jóvenes españoles en el exterior- ¡Bienvenido a CEXT! Te damos la bienvenida a CEXT, el Portal de los Jóvenes Españoles en el Exterior. Aquí nos comunicamos entre nosotros y con nuestras Entidades, Asociaciones y Centros de españoles. Éste es un espacio para compartir intereses e inquietudes y para proporcionar recursos útiles para los que están fuera de España. Buscamos ser el blog colaborativo por excelencia de los jóvenes españoles en el extranjero.

Si quieres unirte a CEXT, tienes una Entidad o quieres ser nuestro Embajador, consulta todas las ventajas que te ofrece el portal. Conocerás a personas con tus mismos intereses e inquietudes. Como entidad, obtendrás una vía directa de comunicación con y entre tus asociados o seguidores. En CEXT valoramos especialmente tu compromiso y dedicación. Contarás con un espacio privilegiado dentro de la plataforma. Si estás interesado en ser Embajador CEXT y ya cumples las condiciones… ¡no lo dudes, contacta con nosotros! Bienvenidos | Portal CONDESAN.