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Ancient Society Research Resources. 100 novels everyone should read. 100 novels everyone should read. Danger Dust. Viking Ireland, a fantastic series of videos by the National Museum of Ireland. The geology of Game of Thrones. This is Westeros as it exists in the days of tumult, in the days following the death of King Robert Baratheon, in the shortening days that warn that winter is coming.

The geology of Game of Thrones

But this is also the geologic history of Westeros, reaching far deeper through the annals of time than the reign of any of the Seven Kingdoms. We pieced this geologic history together from character observations, town names, official Game of Thrones maps, and the principles of geology learned here on Earth. Using only limited data we were able to reimagine 500 million years of planetary evolution, including volcanoes, continents rising from the oceans, and ice ages (with guest appearance by white walkers and dragons). To explore the history, and to view our maps of the geologic reconstructions, click the numbered icons on the map, or on the links below. Attributions: The geologic map of Westeros was created by Miles Traer. Great Tree, Great Axe. A History of Ireland in 100 Objects – The Objects- Full List.

Anti-Irish quotes throughout history. Brain Pickings. The Down Survey Project. Wonder How To » Show & Tell for Creators & Doers. Dan Carlin - Podcasts, Merchandise, Blog, and Community Website. What is svchost.exe And Why Is It Running? You are no doubt reading this article because you are wondering why on earth there are nearly a dozen processes running with the name svchost.exe.

What is svchost.exe And Why Is It Running?

You can’t kill them, and you don’t remember starting them… so what are they? This article is part of our series explaining various processes found in Task Manager, including: jusched.exe, dwm.exe, ctfmon.exe, wmpnetwk.exe, wmpnscfg.exe, mDNSResponder.exe, conhost.exe, rundll32.exe, Dpupdchk.exe, and Adobe_Updater.exe. Do you know what those services are? Better start reading! So What Is It? According to Microsoft: “svchost.exe is a generic host process name for services that run from dynamic-link libraries”. Some time ago, Microsoft started moving all of the functionality from internal Windows services into .dll files instead of .exe files. Why Are There So Many svchost.exes Running? If you’ve ever taken a look at the Services section in control panel you might notice that there are a Lot of services required by Windows. Tasklist /SVC. Why Does College Cost So Much?

There's a lot of concern about the cost of college.

Why Does College Cost So Much?

This book looks at college costs in the context of the larger economy, and offers suggestions for policy to increase access. Much of what is written about colleges and universities ties rapidly rising tuition to dysfunctional behavior in the academy. Common targets of dysfunction include prestige games among universities, gold plated amenities, and bloated administration. This book offers a different view. To explain rising college cost, the authors place the higher education industry firmly within the larger economic history of the United States. This finding does not mean that all is well in American higher education. This book is a call to calm the rhetoric of blame and to instead find policies that will increase access to higher education while preserving the quality of our colleges and universities.

Desktop customization tool. Deepak Chopra at TEDMED 2010. Ear on Arm. The EAR ON ARM has required 2 surgeries thus far.

Ear on Arm

An extra ear is presently being constructed on my forearm: A left ear on a left arm. An ear that not only hears but also transmits. A facial feature has been replicated, relocated and will now be rewired for alternate capabilities. Excess skin was created with an implanted skin expander in the forearm. By injecting saline solution into a subcutaneous port, the kidney shaped silicon implant stretched the skin, forming a pocket of excess skin that could be used in surgically constructing the ear.