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The Ephemeral Project – Nothing lasts – Everything is changing. Jump to Thesis 2.0 review Table of contents Thesis Theme review Thesis theme site options Thesis site speed Thesis 2.0 review Thesis HTML head editor Custom 404 pages Thesis 2.0 CSS Thesis 2.0 price Since I’m moving my work life over to the internet one of the tools I use the most is the Thesis [...] It’s approaching one year since I left my home to cycle across the world. With many ups and downs along the way without a doubt my fondest memories of my trip will be the people. The people made my trip what is was, a life changing experience. I owe them so much and will never [...] Learn how to make landing pages easy with Premise in this Premise review. This landing page plugin from Copyblogger takes all the work out of building landing pages so you can concentrate on more important things. Random acts of kindness in Europe and heading into places unknown. I have been away from home now for just over 2 months and I have been on the road now for 6.5 weeks of that time.

Learning HTML5 Game Programming: A Hands-on Guide to Building Online Games Using Canvas, SVG, and WebGL. Book Description Get Started Fast with HTML5 Online Game Programming! HTML5 will transform web and mobile gaming. As new browsers rapidly adopt it, HTML5 will do everything “legacy” technologies such as Flash and Silverlight have done—and much more. In Learning HTML5 Game Programming, pioneering developer James L. Williams gives you all the knowledge, code, and insights you’ll need to get started fast! Williams combines detailed explanations of HTML5’s key innovations with examples, including two case study applications that address the entire development process.

All code samples and answers to chapter exercises are available for download at and on Github at Coverage includes Learning HTML5 Game Programming is the fastest route to success with HTML5 game development—whether you’re a long-time game developer or a web/mobile programmer building games for the first time. Book Details Read Online & Download. How to Install Wordpress on your PC. WordPress is arguably the most popular and the best blogging platform out there. You might have installed WordPress on your site, but you might be scared to experiment with WordPress worrying that you could break your site and WordPress.

Experimenting is one of the best way to learn new things and if you break your site, you probably might not want your visitors to see the fault as it might leave a bad impression. So, it is necessary to have the ability to learn WordPress and try new themes, plugins and other items without putting it online where people can see. So, the best solution is to install WordPress locally on your computer.

It will save you quite a bit of time since you can just put your files inside your WordPress folder without having to upload it to FTP. You can do anything you want with WordPress without a worry which surrounds you when you put it online. The possibilities are endless. 1. 2. 3. 4. First question it will ask you is whether you should add a desktop shortcut. jQuery TOOLS - The missing UI library for the Web. Introduction à l'animation dans le canvas avec HTML 5 sur Tuto.

Dans ce tuto HTML5 gratuit, en vidéo, nous vous proposons une introduction à la création d'animation dans la balise Htlm5 "canvas". Nous verrons ici comment installer une routine globale d'animation et comment animer les différents objets que nous placerons dans le canvas. Jetez un oeil à ces autres tuto HTML 5 Pour vous faire un avis, voici un extrait de quelques secondes. La version complète et téléchargeable de ce tuto HTML 5 de 21 minutes est proposée dans une résolution plus grande que l’extrait suivant : , Formateur Formation Digital est un centre de formation spécialisé dans les domaines du multimédia, de la PAO, de la vidéo et du développement de sites et d'applications Web ou mobiles.

Nous mettons à disposition nos compétences et la qualité de ses apprentissages depuis 1998. Toutes les formations de Témoignage des clients de Bravo une bonne formation ! De supers tutos très bien expliqués ! Très bon tuto, bon formateur! الحلقة 428:انشئ تطبيق خاص بموقعك على كل من اجهزة آيفون الآندرويد ويندوز فون. تحميل كتاب أندرويد ببساطة لتعلم برمجة تطبيقات الأندرويد. الكتاب العربي الاول من نوعه (أندرويد ببساطة) لتعليم تطوير تطبيقات على نظام تشغيل أندرويد المفتوح المصدر. و إن كانت بعض البيانات قديمة إلا أنه مازال صالحا للعمل بما فيه حتى يومنا هذا ,و قد قام المؤلف بأفضل ما يمكن للخروج بالكتاب بأفضل شكل و بأبسط ما يمكن حيث لا يوجد أي كتب عربية حتى الآن مهتمة في هذا المجال و كذلك الحال أغلب الكتب الأجنبية التي طالعناها تعاني من التعقيد , بل و تعتبر بأن من يقرأ الكتاب ملم بالكثير من الأمور و لذا مازلنا نجد بأن الكتاب سيكون من أفضل ما كتب حتى يومنا هذا في هذا العالم.

الكتاب مجاني للأفراد و يمكن إعادة توزيعه و نشره كما هو بدون أي تعديل و بشكل الكتروني , ولذا أرجوا أن لا تنسونا من دعوة بظهر الغيب فنحن بأشد الحاجة لها دائما. أما في حال الطبع أو استخدامه لأغراض تجارية أو لغير الأفراد فيرجى الرجوع لصاحب الكتاب لأخذ إذن خاص بذلك. فهرس موضوعات الكتاب: سارع بتحميل كتاب أندرويد ببساطة. Introduction to Android Development - StumbleUpon. Mobiletuts+ will be covering all major mobile platforms - iPhone, Windows, Android and Blackberry. Today we'll be taking a look at Android development: explaining why people have choosen to work with Android and providing an overview of the Eclipse IDE and its Java, DDMS and debugging perspectives. Finally, you'll learn how to get started making your first Android app! Android 101 Tutorials: What is Android?

Android is an open source mobile operating system that combines and builds upon parts of many different open source projects. Why Android? There are many advantages to developing for the Android platform: Zero startup costs to begin development. Prerequisites before continuing with this article include: You must download and install the Eclipse IDE. The Eclipse IDE Eclipse is a complex, multi-language, and extensible Integrated Development Environment (IDE). After opening Eclipse for the first time, select a workspace to save your project within. The Java Perspective The DDMS Perspective.