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Facebook Twitter developers site. for developers. TEST OPEN DATA TRANSILIEN. for Developers. API Documentation. Due to abuse of the API, it is no longer available. Current users can cotinue to use it, but no new users are being accepted. Sorry for the inconvenience. Overview We are happy to provide an API to be used by developers and are looking forward to seeing what innovative and useful tools might result. Implementation The API comes in two varieties: a JSON format and a regular-HTML/web format. You must include the API key in the requesting URL. Additionally, for JSPONp, the JSON API can take an optional callback function in the query string; simply add "? Terms of Service - See below, these are important! The dictionary that you want to look up your term in is specified by a combination of the two-letter code for the original language and the two-letter code for the target language.

Please note: Only to and from English. The encoding is UTF-8, so "más" must show as "m%C3%A1s". Getting an API key Questions?


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