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The Economic Logic of “Open Science” and the Balance between Private Property Rights and the Public Domain in Scientific Data and Information: A Primer - The Role of Scientific and Technical Data and Information in the Public Domain - NCBI Bookshelf.

Art + Science

Bradley Pitts I Your Own Inavertable Eye. Persbericht Rijksacademie Eye meets I. Art. Je eigen onafwendbaar oog (pdf) 63% of internet readers will like this comic. The mutual inspiration of art and mathematics. Mathematics is art, and art is mathematics. So claim the father-son pair of Erik and Martin Demaine of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. “Our math and our art have blended together so much we can’t tell them apart anymore,” Martin Demaine says. BEAUTIFUL MATH The edges of Thomas Hull’s “Hyperbolic Cube” trace out a Hamilton cycle on a cube. FOURIER DEBUG Ian Sammis created this piece as a way to debug his mathematical software.

It shows the fast Fourier transform of the Sierpinksi space-filling curve. STRANGE ATTRACTOR Safieddine Bouali’s “Monarch Safye” is an image of a three-dimensional strange attractor found through economics research, and reminds him of a monarch butterfly in flight. MANIFOLD SCULPTURE Erik and Martin Demaine created “Natural Cycles” as part of their exploration of curved folds in origami. In early versions, portions of the image looked like the snow on an ill-tuned television, so Sammis knew he had bugs.

And often they do so beautifully. Top Mathematicians Today Into Existentialism Mathematics by Dr. Art meets science: Speaking a lingua digica. Stephen Wilson, contributor I HAD a student on my Art and Emerging Technologies course who was interested in X-rays; he wanted to dance with a real-time moving image of his skeleton. His approach was to use the internet to familiarise himself with the literature and connect with a researcher in the field. Both the course and his research relied completely on the web and the mutual confidence generated by a shared digital culture.

So how did we get to this point - when an 18-year-old's first instinct is to explore the world in digital terms? Visualisations of SMS traffic shows beauty in connectivity (Image: Aaron Koblin) Interest in digital systems has increased literacy in technical fields, and by extension in other scientific disciplines. As well as influencing science and arts separately, digitisation has wrought changes in the nature of collaborations across disciplines.

However, digitisation has its limits.


Flux 3 - de virtuele wereld - Rathenau Instituut - Powered By Pu. BLOG - Toeval, kans en onzekerheid: Reynold Reynolds. Vanwege as in de ether werd de avond met videokunstenaar en wetenschapper Reynold Reynolds van eerder dit jaar naar juni verplaatst. Reynolds werkt met een animatiestijl waarbij hij werkt in bestaande filmbeelden en deze bevriest en fotografeert om zo de illusie van beweging op te roepen. Alsof er frames missen uit een continue film hakkelt zijn beeldvoering door, wat hem in staat stelt te spelen met de structuur van film- en videokunst. Daarin is de invloed van zijn vroegere leermeester Stan Brakhage het duidelijkst merkbaar.

Waar Brakhage koos voor een abstract-expressionistische stijl die steeds subjectief-persoonlijker werd, is Reynolds de objectivist. Reynolds' hoogste doel ligt op het gebied van de conceptuele kunst in het verwerken van een veelheid aan natuurkundige theorie en (kunst)geschiedenis, waarbij hij in een zoektocht, tijd en ruimte bijeen oogt te brengen. Camera en ingezette technologie is voor hem het middel tot controle van de ogenschijnlijke en inherente chaos.

Reynold Reynolds. Reynold Reynolds Secret Machine. The Royal Society of Medicine > Conference > Music from the genome. Xperiment - Home. Goudreau Museum of Mathematics in Art and Science - The Math Mus. Newton Con ference20/22 april.
