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German with Vero (@german_with_vero) | TikTok. German_with_vero 39.2KFollowers 95.9KLikes تعلم اللغة الالمانية مع ڤيرو 🇩🇪German living in Egypt 🇪🇬 Follow for more🔝 Videos. Iman ( | TikTok. 106.2KFollowers 431.5KLikes سجل الآن بكورسات اللغة Videos. Sonni Sonja Hubmann. UDO G. KLINGER. English-German Cognates A. Grimm Grammar : site index. German language learning games. Grammatik: Deklination. German Articles Part 1 | We use nouns for people, objects, things or ideas. Nouns are normally (not always) preceded by an article.

Nouns are always written with a capital letter in German. In German we have three main articles: der (masculine), die (feminine) and das (neuter). For example: - der Mann (the man) - die Frau (the woman) - das Tier (the animal) The articles change depending on - the gender (masculine, feminine, neuter) - the number (singular or plural) - and the case (nominative, genitive, dative and accusative) The different forms can be: der, die, das, des, dem and den depending on gender, number and case. The Gender The best method to get familiar to the articles is by listening a lot to the German language. The grammatical gender does not follow a logical set of rules but there are some noun endings which give us a hint. By the way, have a look at the English endings too. The article: "der" (masculine) -ling -ist -or -ismus der Egoismus (the egoism) der Tourismus (the tourism) der Pazifismus (the pacifism) -er.

German games for iPad. Radio Lingua Network: Language-learning where and when it suits you.

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1000 كلمة الاكثر تكرارا في الالمانية. افعال المانية. مواقع نمساوية. تحميل كتب مجاني. German Quizzes. مواقع تدريبية. تعلم قواعد الالمانية مع طريقة مونومونيك. When you were always looking for a way to learn the German grammar in a creative way without getting frustrated but you're NOT willing to spend even more money on even more courses or grammar books, then you'll find the information on this website the most valuable of its kind. Dear student of German! ( and the following also regards teachers of German) Does the following sound familiar to you? Every day your teacher explains new grammar rules and when you're studying at home you feel overburdened because you have no idea HOW you're going to learn all these rules? When you find yourself in one of the situations above, I can tell you ... you're not the only one. In 2000, when I started teaching German as a foreign language in Berlin, at first I was very proud that I was the the person in my students´ life to explain the complicated German grammar to them.

At that time I wasn't able to give any better advice than "You simply have to learn it by heart" either. I was beside myself with joy! Learn German vocabulary. When you want to avoid frequent mistakes when you learn German vocabulary and if you want to learn to know important tricks and learning aids, you'll find here everything you need. When you want to learn German or another foreign language; in the beginning, the learning of the vocabulary is the most important thing to do. Because with this you build your own personal so-called "mental lexicon", which you'll definitely need when you're serious about learning German. But this you knew yourself for a long time, isn't it?

But now arises the master question: HOW do you actually learn vocabulary? HOW do you learn German vocabulary? I have many years of experience as a teacher of German, and trust me, I know what I'm talking about. Or maybe you do the effort to regularly write down vocabulary somewhere, but you're actually to lazy to build a truly efficient system which enables you to expand your mental lexicon daily and continually. A mistake you should avoid at all cost Learn German nouns. جداول الصفات. Schon der große Mark Twain hat sich über das Phänomen mit der deutschen Adjektivdeklination lustig gemacht. Und wenn Sie nicht genau so verzweifeln wollen wie er, sollten Sie unbedingt weiterlesen. Immer wenn ich mit meinen Deutsch Lernenden die Adjektivendungen behandelt habe, war ich wirklich froh, dass ich das schon als Kind gelernt habe und es heute "einfach kann". Dieses Thema gehört zum schwierigsten Teil der deutschen Grammatik in der Grundstufe, und ich habe eigentlich nie erlebt, dass ein Schüler keine Schwierigkeiten damit hatte.

Kein Wunder! Sehr oft geben wir Dozenten den Deutsch Lernenden einfach 3 oder sogar 4 Tabellen, die unsere DaF-Schüler dann auswendig lernen sollen. Auch die Lehrbücher haben meist keine besonders guten Ideen. Manche Lehrwerke versuchen Tabellen ganz zu vermeiden und behandeln Adjektive mit verschiednen Begleitern ganz "beiläufig" in der Hoffnung, dass die Deutsch Lernenden die Regeln mehr oder weniger unbewusst einüben und lernen. 1. "Huh? " ... 2. Verbs with prepositions. Learning German verbs can be a big problem for many students of German. Why? Because every verb has its own rule. Many German verbs are even connected with a specific preposition, these verbs are called "verbs with prepositions".

If you want to find out how a German verb exactly works, you shoul have a look in a so called dictionary for German as a foreign language. Here is an example for a specific German verb with preposition, in this case the verb "warten auf" (to wait for): At the point I've marked, you find the information that the verb "warten" takes the preposition auf (litteraly "on") .

Uh! >> Click for my FREE video-course "German Grammar for your Brain" I took all the example sentences from the dictionary. BUT: These "normal" example sentences don't help students of German with the learning of the prepositions. The problem: When prepositions are used as a part of fixed phrases (as with the German verbs with prepositions) then they often lose their original meaning. So:

Schon-erst. Datum: 08. November 2004 21:45 Hallo,das BeispielIch bin erst drei Monate in Hamburg und ich war nur drei Monate in Hamburg finde ich recht leicht.Ich bin erst drei Monate in Hamburg heißt, dass es eine kurze Zeit ist, aber sie hat kein Ende, vielleicht bleibe ich noch 10 Jahre dort.Aber bei dem Satz, Ich war nur drei Monate in Hamburg sagt man, dass die Zeit erstens kurz war und zweitens auch vorbei ist. Ich finde Franziskas Vorschlag mit erst und schon auch gut. Ich hätte allerdings gern eine konkrete Erklärung, es ist alles so konfus. In einem Deutschlehrwerk beginnen die Anfänger schon in Lektion 1 damit und da bin ich als Lehrer teilweise überfordert, denn erstens verstehen die Schüler recht wenig Deutsch und zweitens finde ich nirgendwo eine passende Regel.

Warum bedeutet "schon" manchmal früh (Ich bin schon um 18 Uhr schlafen gegangen), aber es heißt auf der anderen Seite: Es ist schon spät.Genauso mit erst. “Zu” is more than a just a preposition — Using zu-constructions | Marathon Sprachen. In one of my lessons this week a student asked me about the word “zu”. She knew that zu is a dative preposition and that it means to in English. I was very happy to hear that those facts about zu had stayed with my student. But then I had to give her a little more information: zu can also be used like the English word too (z.B. zu viel, zu gross, zu spät). When I asked her why she was suddenly asking about the word zu.

She then told me that she had recently realized that there are often sentences in German that end with zu and a verb. It is often useful in German to use a zu-construction when writing or speaking. Why do you want to learn to use zu-constructions? Let’s take a look at some of the characteristics of the zu-construction. Zu-constructions don’t have a subject. So there we have it, the seven rules of zu-constructions. Sometimes a zu-construction can be used to replace a dass-construction, if you are trying to add more variety to your writing or speaking.

Z.B. Verbs | Marathon Sprachen.