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Les Apps Santé d'UPSA. La division UPSA de Bristol-Myers Squibb innove dans les applications smartphones pour professionnels de santé et patients.

Les Apps Santé d'UPSA

Elle vient de lancer Geomedica et sort en janvier Flash Pack. Géolocaliser 360 000 professionnels de santé D’abord lancé sous forme de site web, Geomedica, est devenu un outil de géolocalisation des 360 000 professionnels de santé de l’hexagone. Certes, on peut déjà trouver un médecin ou un pharmacien en cherchant sur Google maps. Flasher la boîte pour avoir l’info Avec Flash Pack qui sera disponible pour iOS et Android, le patient « flashe » la boite de médicament (en la passant devant le viseur du smartphone) pour accéder aux informations essentielles de bon usage du produit.

EX-CommunautesPatients - EX-CommunautesPatients.pdf. How Sanofi Is Writing The Social Media Rules For Big Pharma Without Running Afoul Of The FDA. The biggest challenge to treating patients with diabetes isn’t doling out medications, it's making sure that people control their habits.

How Sanofi Is Writing The Social Media Rules For Big Pharma Without Running Afoul Of The FDA

Poor diet and lack of exercise generally create complications with the disease. To combat the problems, researchers in the diabetes division of Sanofi US took an unusual step for Big Pharma: they went social, jumping into online networking with a Facebook page, Twitter presence, and eventually three different engagement platforms.

“Treatment is an important aspect to blood sugar management, but it isn’t the only aspect,” says Laura Kolodjeski, Sanofi’s diabetes community manager, who has become the virtual face of the company. “There is a huge community of people already that live with diabetes and are connecting and sharing [online] to improve each other’s experience with the disease.” Sanofi now helps direct and police those interactions online. Be Transparent Let Users Shape Expansion Give Users Even More Control [Image: Flickr user Ian Humes] 4 innovative campaigns that have pushed pharma social media forward. In the grand experiment that is healthcare social media, there have certainly been some hits and misses.

4 innovative campaigns that have pushed pharma social media forward

The lack of clarity around the ROI in social media for pharmaceutical companies (or anywhere, really) in combination with a lack of comprehensive guidance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration makes its ground on which drug companies for the most part have tiptoed. But among removed Facebook pages and shuttered YouTube accounts, a few companies have taken risks and shown us what value social media can have for pharmas.

Below are four examples of campaigns that have helped push pharmaceutical social media forward. Agree or disagree? DigiPharm — Digital Marketing Strategies for Pharmaceutical Products. Zygote Body. Webicina.

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Seriousgame santé. Enquête Google - Santé. The Rise of the e-Patient. Tests d'applications santé pour smartphones et tablettes. actualité médecine et santé. Facebook first from Janssen. Janssen UK has officially launched its new psoriasis disease awareness campaign, part of which includes the first pharma Facebook page to allow comments before they have been checked and approved. As previewed two weeks ago on the Digital Pharma blog , the Psoriasis 360 campaign is also using Twitter , an iPhone app , a central website and there will be a YouTube channel and iPad app shortly, but it’s the Facebook page’s commenting policy that breaks pharma boundaries.

This promises: “We will not moderate any comments before they appear on the wall. However, it may be necessary to remove comments if they directly talk about medication or could be offensive to people.” The campaign is being run by Janssen’s UK office and so has been prepared to comply with the ABPI’s Code of Practice. To date this has provided little specific guidance for digital matters, though those who work with it say digital campaigns just require a thorough understanding of the Code as it stands.

Santé 2.0. Buzz e-sante, un autre regard sur le web santé. La recherche dans le domaine de l'Internet santé.