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Layouts De Revistas, Catálogo De Design De Produto e Design De Catálogo. 500+ Free Mockup Templates PSD Designs » Css Author. Photoshop Mockups For Product Presentation. Inspiring Branding, Visual Identity and Logo Designs. Designing corporate branding or visual identity can be most valuable asset for any company or brand.

Inspiring Branding, Visual Identity and Logo Designs

Corporate branding is what sets your business apart from your competitors. Business card, compliment slip, envelop and letterhead is the key elements of creative branding. We are already showcased lots of business logo design and business cards that will help you to spark creative ideas for your branding or visual identity projects. Today we’ve shared hand-picked examples of branding, visual identity and logo design created by professional designers and graphic design agencies. You may be interested in the following modern related articles as well. Subscribe to our RSS via email, simply enter your email address & click subscribe. Hand-picked collection of branding, visual identity and stationery designs for your inspiration. Christian Vizcarra Brand by Christian Vizcarra Cabrera Source.

10 Graphic Design Hacks that'll Make You a PRO Designer Overnight! 2.4K Shares Facebook 1K Twitter 370 LinkedIn 720 inShare720 Google+ 247 Pin It Share 34 2.4K Shares × Ever been designing an image and thought to yourself: “Man… I wish I had the graphic design skills to make this image AMAZING!”

10 Graphic Design Hacks that'll Make You a PRO Designer Overnight!

Don’t worry. Marketing and Communications. 22 Brilliant Thinkers Everyone Should Follow on Twitter. If you've been following the same people on Twitter for the last five years, you're probably missing out.

22 Brilliant Thinkers Everyone Should Follow on Twitter

An engaging Twitter feed should provide an intersection of interests from thought leaders across fields. For that reason, we've gathered 22 intellectual heavyweights in areas like design, neuroscience, management, and economics. Start following them and get your ideas flowing. If we missed anybody, tell us in the comments. Aimee Groth, Kim Bhasin, and Danielle Schlanger contributed research to this story.

Jad Abumrad, host and creator, Radiolab kk/flickr Handle: @Jadabumrad Abumrad stands at the intersection of curiosity, science communication, and public radio. He has 2 million follows on air and 245,000 on Twitter, and he's worth listening to. Este pequeno apartamento usa paredes deslizantes para criar quatro cômodos em um só. Esta semana, vimos por aqui um apartamento minúsculo de 8 m² que esconde inúmeros truques para parecer maior.

Este pequeno apartamento usa paredes deslizantes para criar quatro cômodos em um só

Mas ele não se compara à genialidade deste aqui, onde prateleiras deslizantes realmente permitem ter uma casa inteira em um espaço pequeno. Esta é a All I Own House, feita para um designer e projetada por quatro jovens arquitetos espanhóis da PKMN Architecture. De um lado, fica a cozinha; no outro, fica o banheiro – (felizmente) eles não são móveis. Entre essas extremidades, há três estantes enormes feitas de OSB, um material rígido e resistente composto por lascas de madeira em camadas cruzadas. As estantes guardam todos os pertences do proprietário: roupas, mobília, livros e mais. Estas enormes prateleiras ficam penduradas em duas paredes, deslizando em trilhos de nível industrial. Cada prateleira pode pesar até 800 kg quando cheia, bem no limite do que uma pessoa comum poderia deslizar para lá e para cá todo dia – mas não é nada impossível.

Imagens: cortesia da PKMN Architecture. How To Create An Infographic To Promote Any Business. You don’t have to be a high tech company to get the web marketing lift that comes from creating an infographic.

How To Create An Infographic To Promote Any Business

In fact, there’s only one thing you need to have to create a great infographic… a good understanding of your customers. Infographics are great because they are easy to understand and easy to share. They use creative visuals to communicate information that might otherwise be too dense or boring when presented in written form alone. We’ve created a number of infographics to educate the world about our business in the past. Today I’ll outline the process we like to use. How To Create A Modern Web Design. New websites are popping up every year with a new style.

How To Create A Modern Web Design

You may be asking yourself, “How can I get a modern web design?” Let’s take a look at a few general elements that all modern website will have, followed by the new styles that you can use to achieve a modern feel, and close with the features that might not fit on every website, but are sure to make yours pop. In general Typography Typography is a modern web design tool that can help create a brand identity. Fanfare. Quality Digital. Email Marketing, Design, Marketing Digital e E-Commerce. Color Scheme Designer 3. Abduzeedo. Bored Panda. Designspiration — Design Inspiration.

For you & you & you. Vector inspirational – Infographics. This week’s roundup showcases a few of our picks of unique, creative, and basically well-done vector infographics.

Vector inspirational – Infographics

Here are 14 vector illustrations that give new life and inspiration to the infographic, previously thought to be nothing but boring and flat. Prepare to be inspired to reach new design levels… Nutmeg infographic by The Design Surgery This infographic presents the information very clear due to the clean layout and the very nice color combination, and the diagonal stripped pattern in select places gives this piece an added level of interest. Getty Images Infographic by The Design Surgery Again a very nice infographic by The Design Surgery using the trendy flat style. Bureau Oberhaeuser Calendar 2014 by George Kordas The color combination is outstanding, I do like very much the faded background image that represents ice melting.

Dragon Ball Z infographic by Dan Mora For the Dragon Ball Z fans this is a very cool infographic. The cloud is not invisible infographics by relajaelcoco. Hypeness. Creattica: Your source for design inspiration.