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Awesome & Weird Chocolate, Part 2. "QUANTUM SHOT" #836 Link - article by Avi Abrams If it's sweetness you crave, then sweetness you will have... and much, much more The story of chocolate starts from the deep antiquity: Mayan and Aztec civilization used chocolate as a highly desirable offering to the gods, and had a special character (looking like a cute fish) to write the word "Kakaw" - cocoa: (image via ) Interestingly, the fish characters make sense, as the word "chocolatl" consists of "chokol" meaning "hot", and the Nahuatl "atl" meaning "water". Interplanetary Travel: just by using your taste buds : These are "Out of This World" Chocolates! (images credit: L’éclat , via ) Remember the (sort-of) hilarious song by R.E.M. They also make some "sugary asteroids"...

The Chocolate Express (inside a concrete station) A part of the Carl Warner's "Foodscapes", this is one sweet train to catch! (image credit: Carl Warner , via ) Another chocolate train was created by Julia Ferguson as a one-off project, and it looks great! How board games sum up the meaning of life through colorful cards and painted pieces | Games | Nerd Curious. Nerd Curious is an occasional series in which Todd VanDerWerff tries the nerdy things he missed as a kid, either due to lack of access, time, or ability. He has a rough schedule planned out, but feel free to use the comments to suggest more nerd experiences he needs to have. No matter how many times my nephew tries, he can’t save the world.

One by one, cities fall to the dreaded blue plague sweeping across North America and Europe. Paris. Essen. Toronto. And then South America explodes, as does Africa—with a completely different disease. He’s playing a board game called Pandemic . Many of the so-called “European-style” board games that have gained in popularity in the United States in the last two decades aim to simulate some complicated facet of life, be it train service, a power grid, or the settling of a new continent. This time, the cities fall in the Middle East, where it’s very easy for the game to get out of hand quickly. Back to start. Designed by Alan R. It worked. UndeadTeds. 14 Office Pranks To Spice Up Your Workday - BuzzFeed Mobile. 101 Crafty Gifts. Sketchbookideas. The Coolest Or Nerdiest Office Gadgets - 30 Examples | Design your wa... The office is most of the times a cold and impersonal place that most of the times and that must be corrected.

You could do that by getting some gadgets to make you feel more like home or to entertain you in the working breaks. In my opinion, the employer should buy some of these gadgets cause in a way or another they actually increase the work productivity. A happy worker is an efficient worker. Tell that to your boss and slam this article in his face calling it “the Christmas wishlist”. USB cup warmer – £9.99 Why is it that a really good cuppa always seems to cool at 10 times the normal rate when you’re working at your computer?

Knuckle duster mug – £9.95 – £10.95 Don’t be a MUG! Funslides carpet skates – $19.95 Bendi Light Up Wateproof Keyboard – £29.99 There is a whole world of life inside your keyboard, biscuit crumbs, coffee spills, bits of yesterday’s sandwich, and all sorts of other undesirable muck that floats in un-invited. Excalibur USB Beverage Warmer/Cooler – $24.99 Yes. "Tear Off" Wallpaper by ZNAK. Applying wallpaper to walls has never been so fun. With this perforated “tear off” wallpaper from ZNAK, you can customize the appearance of your space by tearing off the pieces as you please. The wallpaper is created out of non-woven material and the shapes are inspired by the the transformation process of snakes. Wordle.

Random Name Generator. Cliche Finder. Have you been searching for just the right cliché to use? Are you searching for a cliché using the word "cat" or "day" but haven't been able to come up with one? Just enter any words in the form below, and this search engine will return any clichés which use that phrase... Over 3,300 clichés indexed! What exactly is a cliche? See my definition Do you know of any clichés not listed here? This is Morgan, creator of the Cliche Finder. Or, you might like my crazy passion project: Spanish for Nerds: Learning Spanish via Etymologies! Back to cliches... if you would like to see some other Web sites about clichés?

© S. Special thanks to Damien LeriAnd to Mike Senter Morgan's Web page. Dates. How Common Is Your Birthday? | The Daily Viz. UPDATE: I’ve written a clarification about this post here. Please read it. A friend posted an interesting data table on my Facebook wall yesterday, which was my birthday. The data listed each day of the year with a ranking for how many babies were born in the United States on each date from 1973 to 1999. Some interesting trends are evident in the data. Apparently, people like to make babies around the winter holiday season because a large proportion of babies are born in September (ours is due Sept. 24, btw).

Sept. 16 was most common. Feb. 29* was least common. Data source:, Amitabh Chandra, Harvard University. Old & Classics. Webcomics. Dr Grordbort's Infallible Aether Oscillators - Rayguns, beasts, buffoons and fair maidens! Typewriter Keys | Vintage Typewriter Key Sets-Lots. Transforming vintage typewriter keys into jewelry is very popular these days.

If you are a crafter or jewelry maker you know how well these unique bracelets, necklaces and tie tacks sell. You also know how difficult it can be to find old junk typewriters to keep up with the demand of your customers! Jewelry making takes time and searching for these old vintage machines can eat up entire days that could be better spent creating inventory. We've organized a fantastic selection of typewriter keys for you at huge savings! These are original parts from antique and vintage Underwood, Adler, Remington, Olympia, Smith Corona and other popular brands of typewriters from years gone by. Most of these keys come in sets or lots and consist of the entire keypad of a particular typewriter.

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