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Debate on climate change: counter-arguments

35 Inconvenient Truths: The errors in Al Gore’s movie | Monckton. Al Gore’s spokesman and “environment advisor,” Ms. Kalee Kreider, begins by saying that the film presented “thousands and thousands of facts.” It did not: just 2,000 “facts” in 93 minutes would have been one fact every three seconds. The film contained only a few dozen points, most of which will be seen to have been substantially inaccurate. The judge concentrated only on nine points which even the UK Government, to which Gore is a climate-change advisor, had to admit did not represent mainstream scientific opinion. Ms. Next, Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. We now itemize 35 of the scientific errors and exaggerations in Al Gore’s movie. Gore says that a sea-level rise of up to 6 m (20 ft) will be caused by melting of either West Antarctica or Greenland. The IPCC says sea-level increases up to 7 m (23 ft) above today’s levels have happened naturally in the past climate, and would only be likely to happen again after several millennia.

Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Al Gore. Albert Arnold "Al" Gore, Jr. (born March 31, 1948) is an American politician, advocate and philanthropist, who served as the 45th Vice President of the United States (1993–2001), under President Bill Clinton. He was the Democratic Party's nominee for President and lost the 2000 U.S. presidential election despite winning the popular vote.

Gore is currently an author and environmental activist. He has founded a number of non-profit organizations, including the Alliance for Climate Protection, and has received a Nobel Peace Prize for his work in climate change activism.[4] Early life Albert Gore, Jr. was born in Washington, D.C., the second of two children of Albert Gore, Sr., a U.S. During the school year he lived with his family in The Fairfax Hotel in the Embassy Row section in Washington D.C.[17] During the summer months, he worked on the family farm in Carthage, Tennessee, where the Gores grew tobacco and hay[18][19] and raised cattle.[20] Marriage and family Harvard Military service.

Catastrophe Denied: The Science of the Skeptic’s Position | Climate Skeptic. I have repaired the overscan issues in the DVD files and am re-posting the links, which are all good now. Once upon a time, Al Gore had a PowerPoint deck. Several years ago, I came to the conclusion that Gore’s presentation was deeply flawed, so I made my own PowerPoint deck in response, and have been updating it ever since. Here is the most recent version Powerpoint presentation with notes pages (.ppt)Adobe Acrobat .pdf file Then, Al Gore made a movie from his PowerPoint deck. He won an Oscar and a Nobel prize for his movie. Those are a bit out of my reach, so I will have to settle for actually being right. I have become a big fan of Vimeo because I don’t have to break videos up into 10-minute chunks as on YouTube. When I get the time to break this into 9(!) You can download the 212MB .wmv file here (link on the lower right). Download the .iso file (DVD disk image) to make you own playable DVD here (beware: 1.6GB).

Finally, you can buy the DVD at cost, here, for $7.50 plus shipping. Carbon Dioxide irrelevant in climate debate says MIT Scientist - Portland civil rights. In a study sure to ruffle the feathers of the Global Warming cabal, Professor Richard Lindzen of MIT has published a paper which proves that IPCC models are overstating by 6 times, the relevance of CO2 in Earth’s Atmosphere. Dr. Lindzen has found that heat is radiated out in to space at a far higher rate than any modeling system to date can account for.

Editorial: The science is in. the scare is out. Recent papers and data give a complete picture of why the UN is wrong. The pdf file located at the link above from the Science and Public Policy Institute has absolutely, convincingly, and irrefutably proven the theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming to be completely false. Professor Richard Lindzen of MIT’s peer reviewed work states “we now know that the effect of CO2 on temperature is small, we know why it is small, and we know that it is having very little effect on the climate.” Graph A Graph B As significant as the above results are, it is not the Pièce de résistance.

Graph C ? 0 change in ? The Fiction Of Climate Science - Denying the Catastrophe: The Science of the Climate Skeptic’s Position - Warren Meyer - Coyote Den.


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