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An afternoon nap markedly boosts the brain’s learning capacity. If you see a student dozing in the library or a co-worker catching 40 winks in her cubicle, don’t roll your eyes. New research from the University of California, Berkeley, shows that an hour’s nap can dramatically boost and restore your brain power. Indeed, the findings suggest that a biphasic sleep schedule not only refreshes the mind, but can make you smarter. Students who napped (green column) did markedly better in memorizing tests than their no-nap counterparts. (Courtesy of Matthew Walker) Conversely, the more hours we spend awake, the more sluggish our minds become, according to the findings. The results support previous data from the same research team that pulling an all-nighter — a common practice at college during midterms and finals — decreases the ability to cram in new facts by nearly 40 percent, due to a shutdown of brain regions during sleep deprivation.

In the recent UC Berkeley sleep study, 39 healthy young adults were divided into two groups — nap and no-nap. Woman Rushes in to Save 2-Year-Old in 10-Story Plunge -

How to

Five Horrifying Serial Killers You've Probably Never Heard Of. Serial killers are the real-life monsters that we disguise as horror movie villains. Bundy, Dahmer, and Manson are names that are as recognizable as Freddy, Jason, and Michael. They are horrifyingly fascinating because, in the movies, motives aren't questioned; it's just a fun, scary time, and the threat ends when the lights come on. But in real life, it is unfathomable that people could be so monstrous. We've gathered five of the sickest, most horrifying serial killers that you should be aware of - but probably aren't. Be forewarned: they may make your skin crawl. The "Bloody Benders" In the late 1870s in Kansas, a startling number of missing persons were reported to the authorities. Allegedly German immigrants, the Bender family consisted of parents John and Kate, and adult children John Jr. and Kate.

H.H. Much like Capone, a simple white-collar crime brought H.H. Holmes's killing spree at the Murder Castle only lasted about a year. Andrei Chikatilo Robert Hansen Fred and Rosemary West. The Top 10 Psychology Studies of 2010. The end of 2010 fast approaches, and I'm thrilled to have been asked by the editors of Psychology Today to write about the Top 10 psychology studies of the year. I've focused on studies that I personally feel stand out, not only as examples of great science, but even more importantly, as examples of how the science of psychology can improve our lives. Each study has a clear "take home" message, offering the reader an insight or a simple strategy they can use to reach their goals , strengthen their relationships, make better decisions, or become happier. If you extract the wisdom from these ten studies and apply them in your own life, 2011 just might be a very good year. 1) How to Break Bad Habits If you are trying to stop smoking , swearing, or chewing your nails, you have probably tried the strategy of distracting yourself - taking your mind off whatever it is you are trying not to do - to break the habit.

You may also have realized by now that it doesn't work. J. J. M. J. Water is dangerous. This was found on the newsgroup: rec.humor.funny A student at Eagle Rock Junior High won first prize at the Greater Idaho Falls Science Fair, April 26. He was attempting to show how conditioned we have become to alarmists practicing junk science and spreading fear of everything in our environment. In his project he urged people to sign a petition demanding strict control or total elimination of the chemical "dihydrogen monoxide.

" And for plenty of good reasons, since: it can cause excessive sweating and vomiting it is a major component in acid rain it can cause severe burns in its gaseous state accidental inhalation can kill you it contributes to erosion it decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes it has been found in tumors of terminal cancer patients He asked 50 people if they supported a ban of the chemical. Forty-three (43) said yes, six (6) were undecided, and only one (1) knew that the chemical was water.

He feels the conclusion is obvious. In the Name of Girls: The AMA Calls for Magazine Ads to End Photoshopping Bodies.