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Web Development. Rails Tutorial. Recommendations for a Rails tutorial. Learn Ruby on Rails with a tutorial to suit your skill level and learning style. Select your preferences: Skills AllBeginnerIntermediateAdvanced Format AllArticleBookVideoInteractiveSlidedeck Structure AllDescriptiveWalkthroughTextbook Scope AllOverviewFocusedComprehensive Examples AllClassroomReal-world Version AllUndatedRails 3.2Rails 4 Cost All$0$1 to $19$20+ Special Topics AllRailsRubyGitTestingJavaScriptBootstrapDeviseNoSQLeCommerceDeploying In-depth primer introduces Ruby on Rails to beginners. No prior knowledge required. The best Rails tutorial for beginners. Ebook covers Rails 4.0. A highly recommended book. Ten free videos help a beginner to build Rails applications. Six hours of videos aimed at absolute beginners.

Screencasts to go with a highly recommended book. Six hours of online videos accompanied by a workbook. A walkthrough for a simple Rails application. As taught in the free RailsBridge workshops, a basic Rails application.

ROR Tuts

Rails Tutorials · RailsApps. Rails Tutorial for Devise with CanCan and Twitter Bootstrap. Basic Tutorials Devise, RSpec, Cucumber Devise, Mongoid OmniAuth, Mongoid Subdomains Premium Tutorials Twitter Bootstrap, Devise, CanCan Startup Prelaunch Signup App Close Click a link to any tutorial for instant access. The tutorials. One of the best resources for Rails developers, tons of useful tutorials, advice, best practices... @rails_apps Awesome tutorials covering #rails, #mongoid, #devise. Big thanks to @rails_apps for providing some great RoR starter apps and tutorials.

Devise with CanCan and Twitter Bootstrap Authentication with Authorization plus Twitter Bootstrap for Rails. Devise gives you ready-made authentication and user management. CanCan provides authorization for administrator access. Twitter Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework for CSS styling. RSpec and Cucumber for testing and behavior-driven development. Hobo Basic Tutorials Online Single User No Membership Student "Devise with CanCan and Twitter Bootstrap" Ebook Ebook only One-time Purchase $5 one-time Pro $19/month Team $349/year.

Twitter Bootstrap and Rails. Twitter Bootstrap. Rails Membership Site with Stripe. Rails Tutorial for Devise with Mongoid. By Daniel Kehoe Last updated 19 August 2012 Ruby on Rails tutorial showing how to create a Rails 3.2 application using Devise with Mongoid. Devise gives you ready-made authentication and user management. Mongoid gives access to a MongoDB datastore for quick development without schemas or migrations. This tutorial also gives you the option of using jQuery, Haml, RSpec and Cucumber, showing how to integrate each option. Similar Examples and Tutorials See a list of additional Rails examples, tutorials, and starter apps. Follow on Twitter Follow the project on Twitter: rails_apps. Tutorial This tutorial documents each step that you must follow to create this application. Before You Start If you follow this tutorial closely, you’ll have a working application that closely matches the example app in this GitHub repository.

If you clone and install the example app and find problems or wish to suggest improvements, please create a GitHub issue. To improve this tutorial, please leave comments below. Fork. Rails Tutorial for Devise with RSpec and Cucumber. Devise with RSpec and Cucumber Introduction Ruby on Rails tutorial showing how to create a Rails 3.2 application using Devise with RSpec and Cucumber. Devise provides ready-made authentication and user management. RSpec is a popular framework for unit testing. Cucumber is used for integration testing and behavior driven development. The combination of Devise, RSpec, and Cucumber is the foundation for many real-world Rails applications.

Is It for You? This tutorial is for experienced Rails developers as well as startup founders or hobbyist coders who are new to Rails. Experienced developers will find the complete application on GitHub; this tutorial provides the detail and background to understand the implementation in depth. For Rails beginners, this tutorial describes each step that you must follow to create the application. This is one in a series of Rails example apps and tutorials from the RailsApps Project. This example application uses ActiveRecord and a SQLite database.

Assumptions Fork. Rails Tutorial for OmniAuth with Mongoid. By Daniel Kehoe Last updated 23 November 2012 Ruby on Rails tutorial showing how to create a Rails 3.2 application using OmniAuth with Mongoid. OmniAuth gives you ready-made authentication using a service provider such as Twitter or Facebook. Mongoid gives access to a MongoDB datastore for quick development without schemas or migrations. This tutorial also gives you the option of using Haml, RSpec and Cucumber, showing how to integrate each option. Service Providers: Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, and many more. This tutorial shows how to set up an application for sign-in with a single provider. Any issues? When to use Devise? Devise provides authentication using username (or email address) and password. The Email Problem You don’t need to ask a visitor for an email address when you build an application that allows a user to log in using a service provider such as Twitter or Facebook.

Similar Examples and Tutorials See a list of additional Rails examples, tutorials, and starter apps. Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl. Michael Hartl Contents Foreword My former company (CD Baby) was one of the first to loudly switch to Ruby on Rails, and then even more loudly switch back to PHP (Google me to read about the drama). This book by Michael Hartl came so highly recommended that I had to try it, and the Ruby on Rails Tutorial is what I used to switch back to Rails again. Though I’ve worked my way through many Rails books, this is the one that finally made me “get” it. The linear narrative is such a great format. Enjoy! Derek Sivers ( Founder, CD Baby Acknowledgments The Ruby on Rails Tutorial owes a lot to my previous Rails book, RailsSpace, and hence to my coauthor Aurelius Prochazka.

I’d like to acknowledge a long list of Rubyists who have taught and inspired me over the years: David Heinemeier Hansson, Yehuda Katz, Carl Lerche, Jeremy Kemper, Xavier Noria, Ryan Bates, Geoffrey Grosenbach, Peter Cooper, Matt Aimonetti, Gregg Pollack, Wayne E. About the author Copyright and license 1.1 Introduction. Rails Tutorial for Subdomains with Devise. By Daniel Kehoe Last updated 20 August 2012 Ruby on Rails tutorial showing how to create a Rails 3.2 application with subdomains and authentication using Devise. What Is Implemented The example app implements a common use of subdomains, often called “Basecamp-style subdomains in Rails.” Visitors to the main site create a user account which is hosted at a subdomain that matches their user name.

Each user has only one subdomain and when they log in, all their activity is confined to their subdomain. What Is Not Implemented Another common use of subdomains can be called “blog-style subdomains.” Based on the Rails3-Mongoid-Devise Example App This app extends the Rails 3 + Mongoid + Devise example app. Similar Examples and Tutorials See a list of additional Rails examples, tutorials, and starter apps. Follow on Twitter Follow the project on Twitter: @rails_apps. Tutorial This tutorial documents each step that you must follow to create this application.

Before You Start Installing MongoDB Fork Clone Wait! Rails Tutorial for a Startup Prelaunch Signup Site. By Daniel Kehoe Last updated 8 September 2012 Note: This tutorial is overdue for a round of revisions since it no longer matches the current rails-prelaunch-signup example application. Use this tutorial as a rough guide but defer to the example application for accuracy.

Ruby on Rails tutorial showing how to create a “beta launching soon” application for a startup prelaunch site with a signup page. You can clone the rails-prelaunch-signup repository for the complete example application. Screenshot: Read an interview with Michael Gajda of about how he used the rails-prelaunch-signup example to launch his startup site. Follow on Twitter Follow the project on Twitter: @rails_apps . Introduction The initial app for a typical web startup announces the founders’ plans and encourages visitors to enter an email address for future notification of the site’s launch. But why build it yourself if others have already done so? By using code from this project, you’ll be able to: Tutorial Haml. Ruby on Rails Resources. Rails 3.2 Example Apps and Tutorials. Rails 3.2 Example Apps on GitHub. Rails Example App: rails3-devise-rspec-cucumber. Rails Example App: rails-prelaunch-signup. Rails Example App: rails3-mongoid-omniauth.

Rails Example App: rails3-subdomains. Rails Example App: rails3-mongoid-devise. Rails Example App: rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan.

Ruby on Rails Articles

Ruby and Rails. What is Ruby? And Rails? By Daniel Kehoe Last updated 11 October 2013 In-depth primer on Ruby and Rails, “What is Ruby on Rails?” Explains what is important about Ruby and Rails. This article introduces basic concepts of web development, explains why Ruby on Rails is a popular framework for web development, and looks at Rails from several perspectives so you’ll be prepared to learn more about Rails. You don’t need a technical background to read this article. Technical terms are introduced and explained in easy-to-understand language. Get the Book New to Rails? Ruby Ruby is a programming language.

Rails Rails is a software library that extends the Ruby programming language. It is software code that is added to the Ruby programming language. Rails is a framework for building websites. Rails combines the Ruby programming language with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a web application that runs on a web server. Rails, in a larger sense, is more than a software library and an API. Why Ruby? Why Rails? Rails is Omakase.

Learning Rails