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25 of the Happiest Words in English. At the beginning of this year, Isabel Kloumann and a group of mathematicians at the University of Vermont published a paper on positivity in the English language. They took just over 10,000 of the most frequent English words from a variety of sources (Twitter, Google Books, The New York Times , and music lyrics) and had people rate them on a 9 point scale from least happy to most happy, collecting 50 independent ratings per word. In the resulting dataset, available here , "laughter" comes in at number 1 in perceived happiness, and "terrorist" comes last.

So what are the happiest words in English? They might be nice to hear. But it turns out that positivity heaped on positivity becomes, like sugar or a giant clown smile, sickening after a point. As you go down the list in a binge of positive word reading, so many of the positive words start to sound crass (rich, diamonds, glory), treacly (butterflies, cupcakes, friends), or too obvious (positive, great, wonderful). Your favorite word—go! 5 Techniques to Have a Productive Day Everyday. No matter who you are, what you do and where you live, you will have challenges, obstacles, glories, triumphs and failures along the course of life.

5 Techniques to Have a Productive Day Everyday

Life is a roller coaster ride, nothing is smooth and certain and one important thing is to learn your own psychology or your way of looking at things. The key thing many of us tend to forget is that life is not just about winning or losing but it is more important to live the moment, cherish it and enjoy each day to its fullest. Your job, your responsibilities, priorities, challenges, deadlines are just the details — what matters more is whether the soul is at peace and enjoying the journey as life moves along. So how do you make each day productive? Make each day count and achieve little or great things that matter?

Here are 5 ways how to have a productive day: 1. Wake up early, probably just after sunrise. Right after waking up, drink 2 full glasses of water. Next, help yourself with some exercise. 2. 3. 4. 5. The definitive guide to the introverted - Affirmations for Introverts. I'm all about self-affirmations this week. I covered affirmations for pessimists on another blog, now I'm thinking about affirmations for introverts . Self-affirmations, when spoken aloud, can sound kind of silly. OK, sometimes they sound a little silly even when you say them silently to yourself. But if we can permit ourselves a Stuart Smalley moment now and then, affirmations can come in handy to remind us of things we might already know but forget in moments of insecurity. They can help us hold our ground when others are trying to force their values on us, and they can give us that last little push we need to open our mouths and assert ourselves.

I particularly like and often use the old standby "Different strokes for different folks. " A few others, for various circumstances: Just because I'm quiet doesn't mean I have nothing to say. What works for you? Thanks for visiting! Calming Manatee.