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Non-traditional Medicine

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Ayurveda. Overview What is Ayurveda? Considered by many scholars to be the oldest healing science, Ayurveda is a holistic approach to health that is designed to help people live long, healthy, and well balanced lives. The term Ayurveda is taken from the Sanskrit words ayus, meaning life or lifespan, and veda, meaning knowledge. It has been practiced in India for at least 5,000 years and has recently become popular in Western cultures. The basic principle of Ayurveda is to prevent and treat illness by maintaining balance in the body, mind, and consciousness through proper drinking, diet, and lifestyle, as well as herbal remedies. There are two main types of Ayurveda: traditional and Maharishi. How does it work? Just as everyone has a unique fingerprint, according to Ayurvedic beliefs, each person has a distinct pattern of energy -- a specific combination of physical, mental, and emotional characteristics.

Everyone has vata, pitta, and kapha, but usually 1 or 2 are dominant in a particular person. Perimenopausal Brain Fog: Acupuncture and Herbs to Stimulate Brain Activity. Return to ITM Online Perimenopausal Brain Fog Acupuncture and Herbs to Stimulate Brain Activity by Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D., Director, Institute for Traditional Medicine, Portland, Oregon In a recent report in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine (5), an acupuncture protocol was described for treatment of menopausal syndrome that focused on attempting to improve mental activities. The treatment was claimed to have a notable beneficial effect and also to alter the levels of key menopause-related hormones: E2 (estradiol), FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), and LH (luteinizing hormone). The primary therapy was based on a set of four acupuncture points, three of them along the center line of the body (governing and conception vessels) and one as a pair of points on either side of the spine (bladder meridian): baihui (GV-20) needled posteriorly and horizontally 0.5 cun with reinforcing-reducing method qihai (CV-6) needled perpendicularly 1.5 cun with reinforcing-reducing method May 2005.

American Academy of Medical Acupuncture Homepage. Natural Health - Consumer Reports Health. Herbal Medicine. Reflexology Chart.


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine [NCCAM] - Home Page. - Official Website of Andrew Weil, M.D. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians.