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Mira la preciosa mesa que puedes hacer con botellas de plastico recicladas. El reciclaje consiste en recuperar un material o un producto desechado para reutilizarlo y transformarlo en un objeto nuevo. Al reciclar estamos reduciendo la contaminación del aire, el agua y los recursos naturales, reducimos volumen de residuos y, por lo tanto, la contaminación que causarían. Al reciclar una botella plástica ahorramos la energía necesaria para mantener encendida una bombita de 100 watios durante 4 horas. Al reciclar estamos creando fuentes de empleo, estamos ahorrando tiempo y dinero en la elaboración de nuevos productos. Al reciclar papel se evita la tala indiscriminada de millones de árboles. Al reciclar plástico estamos cuidando un recurso natural que es el petróleo.

Al reciclar residuos tecnológicos evitamos que se incremente el volumen de deshechos. Al reciclar estamos tomando conciencia por cuidar nuestro planeta. Tomemos conciencia que al reducir, reutilizar y reciclar materiales estamos cuidando el planeta. Procedimiento Pintar el círculo central de color rojo. How to Make Rustic Lace Lamp. Unfortunately, winter and long evenings are approaching. I do not like this season, it does not inspire me in a positive way. I miss the sun, heat, and long days. However, it is a good time to focus on the surroundings and decorate it a bit. I have a soft spot for lace in all forms, and I am totally charmed by this Rustic Lace Lamp.

Isabelle McAllister from “Dosfamily” proposes an oval lamp in her tutorial. If you want to add to your winter evenings a bit of romantic, warm atmosphere, you have to try to do this lamp yourself. Step by step to Rustic Lace Lamp, available here. Tools: No special tools needed Supplies / ingredients: Lace/doilyWallpaper or wood glueBaloon. Cómo reciclar las botellas plásticas. Incluye Video. "Hay muchas formas de reciclar las botellas plásticas, y principalmente, podemos crear nuevos objetos decorativos o de utilidad.

" Reciclar botellas plásticas para decorar y ayudar al medio ambiente Las botellas plásticas de bebidas, aceites y otros productos son una amenaza contra la estabilidad y el bienestar de nuestro entorno y nuestro ecosistema. Aprender a reciclarlas, reutilizarlas y aprovecharlas es una tarea que debemos poner en práctica cuando antes, para proteger nuestro planeta y, en la misma tarea, embellecer nuestra casa. Hay muchas formas de reciclar las botellas plásticas, y principalmente, podemos crear nuevos objetos decorativos o de utilidad. Este plástico es muy difícil de reciclar y es sumamente contaminante, pero es muy noble para trabajarlo y convertirlo en objetos de todo tipo, como algunos de los que veremos en esta nota. Ideas para reciclar las botellas plásticas El cuerpo de la botella puede ser utilizado de múltiples formas.

Imagen 1. Formas de reciclar y reutilizar. Enfrentar es la solución! La Acetona y el agua destilada Entre las diferentes formas de transformar el EPS en materiales reutilizables o minimamente contaminantes, se encuentra el proceso por el cual se reduce mediante la agregación de acetona. La acetona es un diluyente natural no contaminante proveniente de la tierra que convierte el EPS en una masa utilizable en la producción de nuevos productos.

El proceso es muy sencillo y se basa en agregar una pequeña cantidad del diluyente al EPS que se desea tratar. A medida que se adiciona la acetona se observa como fácilmente se da la reducción y una vez esta finaliza, se retira el excedente del diluyente. Este proceso tiene grandes ventajas como la de reducir en una enorme proporción el espacio ocupado por el EPS y la de originar un nuevo material reutilizable. Máquina de compresión y fundición del EPS Vertertederos o botaderos Los vertederos deben ser la última opción a la hora de decidir que hacer con el EPS del cual se quiere deshacerse. U T S U M I - Artesanato com PET. Make your own propeller. Before I go into how I make propellers, here are some pictures Prabhuraj.C.U from the state of Kerala in India sent me. He reports that it flies.

For details you can contact him directly: prabhurajpudussery at (replace the at with @). UNDER CONSTRUCTION This homemade propeller really works--powered by a rubber band--and it is fun to make a model airplane completely from scratch. However, it is a challenging project that I do not ask my middle school students to attempt. When they build planes, they use commercial 6" nose hook propellers from , part number # 850654. It will take a lot of time, trial and error to get it to work. Below is only a stopgap description until I can make an instructional video detailing the steps. What you need a two-liter soda (Coke/Pepsi) bottle It should be un-crushed and smooth. Small paper clips Use the all-metal ones, not the plastic multi-colored ones. Needle nose pliers, scissors, tape, razor or sharp-pointed knife a propeller to copy Step 1.

Cómo doblar bolsas de plástico del supermercado. Recycled Grocery Totes. Ready to go green? Then say goodbye to your old grocery bags by melting them into something cute. Afterall, plastic is the new plastic, right? Skill Level: Beginner to IntermediateNeeded: * plastic grocery bags (Target bags work best)* Parchment Paper* Fabric for handles and decor (optional)* IronWe’ll be fusing layers of old grocery bags together to create a stronger “fabric” for our new bags. Let’s get started! 1. Gather your mound of old grocery bags. After experimenting with various bags (and my iron) I found that Target bags work best. I guess Target needs to add #6. I chose to only use the white portion of my bags.

Cut the bottom, top and sides off of your bag. Lay the long rectangular sheet flat. This is the tricky part, so I won’t sugar coat it. I found that the best way is to start at the bottom and press the iron up, to get any air bubbles out. When you’re all done, it should look like this, a large sheet of plastic: 2. 3. Trace the letters on to your fabric with a marker. 4. 5. Making a Magic (Drinking Straw) Flute. Maybe my kids are weird but both of them love using drinking straws.

So we had all the supplies we needed on hand for this little craft – nine straws and some clear tape. When I told my son we were making a flute, he was super excited. His classroom teacher is getting married and has been sharing details of the ceremony. “You know what the only instrument being played at her wedding is, Mom?” My son asked. Before we got crafty, we read a wonderful book. Before we got into the story, we went through the cast of characters on the opening few pages.

With the book read, I asked my son to grab his ruler, scissors, nine straws, and some clear tape. The first straw was set aside; it required no cutting. Now my son laid a long piece of clear tape sticky side up on the table and lined the straws up longest to shortest, with the tops of each even with one another. It was time to play our ‘magical’ flute! “I would play it for my brother to make him fall asleep,” he wrote.

Miwa Koizumi: PET project - plastic water bottles. PET project / plastic water bottles / NEW Check out the new photography project. I am making archival digital prints of photographs of the PETs. NEW There is also a new set of images of the aquarium I built on display at Spring I love the idea of using liquid containers to make water animals. Contained/containing, trash/not-trash, like the jelly-fish or anemone: Living/non-living And I wanted some pets... plastic water bottles, 2005 installation view at sawaguzo at Redux close up floating creature San Pellegrino water bottle, 2005 close up jelly fish Volvic water bottle, 2005 close up sea floor Poland Spring heel, 2005 San Pellegrino water bottle, shadow of two Poland Spring creatures 2005 making of...

I use a combination of heat guns, soldering irons and different cutting utensils to make these PETs. What is PET? PET (polyethylene terephthalate) is in fact very natural, it is made from oil, which comes from really old plants. Upcoming: recent: Broadthinking Jan. 2-15, 2009 Broadway Gallery Cool. Trash Bag Raincoat « Howtoons. No está disponible. Bertrand, an air whale made of garbage bags, by Matt Jones. RECICLAJE BOTELLA PET CON PAPEL MACHÉ. Quick and easy homestead uses for Plastic Bottles (PET)

In the not too distant past, you would buy milk, sodas, etc. in glass bottles which you would return to the store to be sterilized and used again. Now, with our disposable culture, plastic bottles have replaced this system and have consequently become one of the many banes of the landfills. We need to rectify this wasteful and eco-nomically expensive practice. The current popular solution to the problem is recycling. However, recycling requires additional energy to process the material into something usable, not to mention the fact that the process itself can have harmful side effects.

So a better solution, if you can't avoid the disposable containers altogether, is to reuse them. This requires no added infrastructure costs and concerns. That said, here are 10 simple ideas on how to reuse plastic bottles around the homestead. Soda Bottle Goggles.