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Android Keyboard Shortcuts: All The Hotkeys You Need. The Android mobile operating system has an impressive set of keyboard shortcuts to help you fly through your phone without digging through the menus.

Android Keyboard Shortcuts: All The Hotkeys You Need

A couple of quick key presses are all you need for most common tasks. So what are you waiting for? Lifehacker, tips and downloads for getting things done. Convert PDF to Word — Convert PDF to Doc — Convert online PDF to Word. How to Remove Your Name from Search Engines. Looking for a way to remove your name from Google ?

How to Remove Your Name from Search Engines

Have you tried to Google your own name lately? Anything “interesting” come up that you would rather not appear in the first page for everyone to see!? I had written a post several months back on the results of Googling my own name , which turned out to be quite an eye opener as I ended up being in 71 of the top 100 results in Google! Luckily for me, there’s nothing bad out there on me yet! The main issue with the Internet is that you may have never done anything outrageous in your life, but someone else could easily defame or slander you without you even knowing it! To start, there are literally two ways to remove bad press from Google and other search engines if you already have something out there: Either contact the site or sites that have this information posted and ask them to remove it kindly!

For the first method, you can find out the contact information for any website by going looking it up in the WHOIS database. How to Make Your Own Cell Phone Theme. Do you want to make your own phone wallpapers and icons?

How to Make Your Own Cell Phone Theme

Do you want your phone “skinned” with your favorite color palette? One of the most popular phone model today is the Series 60. To make a Series 60 theme just download this free tool from Warning: this software is based from the Eclipse platform and uses Java as the main engine. It could take about 250+MB of RAM when you run it so make sure your PC can handle this. 1G of RAM should be good enough, 512MB of RAM could be pushing it. After downloading the 136MB installer file, install it on your computer.

You may put any directory for the workspace. Choose “Create Theme”, it will open a dialog window that will ask for the name of the theme: After clicking “Finish” the theme editor will appear: To start editing background pictures, you will need to set the bitmap editor on the Preferences panel : Note that the Bitmap Editor could be any photo editing software. It will ask for the size of the picture/bitmap file: MS Office Tips. Like a two-dimensional (or flat) database, Excel is capable of storing many different types of data from small business contacts to personal income tax records.

MS Office Tips

In both of these examples, accuracy is essential to make sure you have the information you need when you need it. In any data entry situation, people often transpose numbers […] I recently installed Office 2010 on a Windows 7 machine and everything worked fine for a few days, but all of a sudden when I open Word, I get the following error message: Microsoft Word has stopped working It then gives me the option to check online for a solution or to close the program. […] Among Excel’s more popular formulas, the EFFECT formula is often used by financial professionals to figure out an effective interest rate from a nominal interest rate. Also called annual percentage rate (APR) and annual percentage yield (APY), Excel makes it easy to calculate effective mortgage, car loan, and small business loan interest rates from the […]

Origami. Origami roses. The sight of these classy chocolate roses got me into a serious mood to make roses, paperwise that is.

Origami roses

And I ended up making 3 different kinds cos’ they look so beautiful that I couldn’t wait to learn to make them all! 1. Kawasaki rose I first tried the Kawasaki rose, named after its creator Toshikazu Kawasaki, by following this demo and cross referenced with another demo [part 2|3]. The leaves are folded based on this tutorial. Notes: There were several steps I had no idea what to do, so after some struggling and hair-pulling, I finally figured out what was going on EXACTLY! 1. 2. 3. 4. WeTransfer. Save paper & ink printing only what you want «