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40 Witty Campaign Posters for a Cause. Non-profit organizations use posters to deliver a particular message. These help inform people about current issues, problems and even the possible consequences of their actions. With a sentence that contains strong words or images, these posters give more impact than common commercial posters. To give you an idea, here are 20 sample campaign posters to provoke your imagination. Enjoy! Wildlife is becoming harder to find in Vietnam. Winter. Who are the real monsters? When they speak, we listen. Shit is not a cool band. Say no to child labor. Can you treat yourself better than your doctor? Nothing we do will ever bring them back. Please don’t dive with white sharks. All under 25 who are sexually active should test for Chlamydia every year and avery time they change partner. For some people, life is that expensive. Preparing today reduces the consequences of disaster tomorrow.

Two thirds of college students in Mississippi don’t smoke. Please clean up after your dog. One mistake is all it takes. The Incredible Digital Art of Michael Oswald | Psdtuts+ - StumbleUpon. EN TUS BRAZOS - StumbleUpon. - StumbleUpon. Tim Shumate | Society6 - StumbleUpon. CGPortfolio -Aly Fell. Utopia. Nexus Productions | - StumbleUpon. Looks like good Zombie Portraits by Andre De Freitas - StumbleUpon. - StumbleUpon.