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GitHub - kronihias/pd-kinect-examples: Application examples for Kinect and Pure Data / GEM. Projects — Ross Flight Sound. In March this year the Barbican Guildhall Creative Learning team hosted a weekend of workshops ,installations, performances and interactive games across the Barbican foyer spaces.

Projects — Ross Flight Sound

The program was to reflect the use of technology as a form of expression, bringing together a number of technological innovators to creating a free, accessible festival for the public. Artists included Black Country Atelier who led a 3D printing and laser cutting workshop, a walkthrough interactive dance installation designed and choreographed by Darren Johnston and Music Jelly who created a video remix wall controlled through ipads. I was technical production manager on the project, working with artists from preliminary planning meetings, through to managing all technical aspects involved in delivering the event. Kinect PowerPoint Control - Home. Synapse for Kinect. SYNAPSE for Kinect Update: There’s some newer Kinect hardware out there, “Kinect for Windows”.

Synapse for Kinect

This hardware is slightly different, and doesn’t work with Synapse. Be careful when purchasing, Synapse only supports “Kinect for Xbox”. Update to the update: There appears to also be newer “Kinect for Xbox” hardware out there. Model 1414 Kinects work with Synapse, but I’m getting reports that the newer 1473 models do not work. Update the third: Synapse doesn’t work on Windows 8, sorry.Synapse is an app for Mac and Windows that allows you to easily use your Kinect to control Ableton Live, Quartz Composer, Max/MSP/Jitter, and any other application that can receive OSC events.

Jpbellona. SimpleKinect Application simpleKinect is an interface application for sending data from the Microsoft Kinect to any OSC-enabled application.


The application attempts to improve upon similar software by offering more openni features and more user control. The interface was built with Processing, utilizing the libraries: controlP5, oscP5, and simple-openni. Because I used open-source tools, and because the nature of the project is to stimulate creativity, simpleKinect is free to use. simpleKinect Features Auto-calibration. SimpleKinect. simpleKinect FAQ page Note: This app was exported as a Mac version. Casting. Daniel Shiffman. The Microsoft Kinect sensor is a peripheral device (designed for XBox and windows PCs) that functions much like a webcam.

Daniel Shiffman

However, in addition to providing an RGB image, it also provides a depth map. Meaning for every pixel seen by the sensor, the Kinect measures distance from the sensor. This makes a variety of computer vision problems like background removal, blob detection, and more easy and fun! The Kinect sensor itself only measures color and depth. However, once that information is on your computer, lots more can be done like “skeleton” tracking (i.e. detecting a model of a person and tracking his/her movements). Kinect Graffiti Tool by Jean-Christophe Naour (@njc002) #processing. Kinect Graffiti Tool is work in progress by Jean-Christophe Naour, Seoul (Korea) based designer.

Kinect Graffiti Tool by Jean-Christophe Naour (@njc002) #processing

Idea behind the project is to use Kinect to track the motion of graffiti, not too dissimilar from Graffiti Analysis project by Evan Roth. Instead of visualising only hand gestures, Jean-Christophe’s Processing application visualizes body and drawing trough different angles in realtime, attempting to understand surrounding space, etc…using light painting as a reference. This clip and images below show the latest test, focused on the generation of 3d strokes + openGL mapping. Earlier version also included at the bottom of the post. Libraries used: peasycam (camera), controlP5 (gui/control), oscP5 (osc), opengl (textures), toxiclibs (3d vertex, vectors).

Kinect Physics Tutorial for Processing. 4. Gestural Interfaces for Making Music - Kinect Hacks. Fancy yourself a bit of a music aficionado?

4. Gestural Interfaces for Making Music - Kinect Hacks

Always keeping up to date on the latest sounds and advancements in music creation and engineering? If that’s the case, then this chapter will be right up your alley. The Kinect’s genius shines when integrating a natural user interface into just about every component of our lives. One of the most surprising and impressive implementations of the Kinect’s NUI functionality is the integration and control of digital music components. Using applications such as Ableton’s Live and Max/MSP, you can transform yourself into a living, breathing dubstep master or a hands-free digital DJ. In this chapter, you will learn what musical applications are available to use with the Kinect and how to configure and control them to your liking.

OSCeleton is a wrapper that allows us to send OpenNI skeletal data in the form of open sound control (OSC) messages from one application to another. Tip Note unzip Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à. Kinect MoCap Animation in After Effects — Part 1: Getting Started. This tutorial is now obsolete.

Kinect MoCap Animation in After Effects — Part 1: Getting Started

Check out the new KinectToPin website for the latest version of the software and how to use it — it’s dramatically easier now. Hello, I’m Victoria Nece. I’m a documentary animator, and today I’m going to show you how to use your Kinect to animate a digital puppet like this one in After Effects. If you have a Kinect that came with your Xbox, the first thing you’re going to need to do is buy an adapter so you can plug it into your computer’s USB port.

You don’t need to get the official Microsoft one — I got a knockoff version from Amazon for six bucks and it’s working just fine. PrimeSense/Sensor.