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Marketing sportif

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Impact du sponsoring sportif de la marque sur la valeur des entreprises tunisiennes. Abstract : Tunisian companies undertaking progressive steps of sports sponsorship and multiplying their efforts for large-scale brand sponsor strategy.

Impact du sponsoring sportif de la marque sur la valeur des entreprises tunisiennes

This research aims at unveiling how the sports sponsorship is implemented in companies while studying brand sponsorship and its impact on the consumer and the company on the other hand. We have chosen sports events as our field of study. The empirical investigation is divided into three parts. The first is about the marketing aspect which is primarily concerned with the study of consumer behavior through a survey conducted to analyze the consumer impact on the purchase of the sponsor brand, considering the example of the 2012 qualification Olympic Games football game between Tunisia and Malawi. Le marché du naming. Le Marketing

Marketing sportif. Marketing sport.