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Matta - Release The Freq. Film & Video. The following films are presented for educational and non-commercial use only. All copyrights belong to the artists. About UbuWeb Film & Video UbuWeb is pleased to present thousands of avant-garde films & videos for your viewing pleasure. However, it is important to us that you realize that what you will see is in no way comparable to the experience of seeing these gems as they were intended to be seen: in a dark room, on a large screen, with a good sound system and, most importantly, with a roomful of warm, like-minded bodies. However, we realize that the real thing isn't very easy to get to. Most of us don't live anywhere near theatres that show this kind of fare and very few of us can afford the hefty rental fees, not to mention the cumbersome equipment, to show these films.

We realize that the films we are presenting are of poor quality. UbuWeb. KORB Projects. FrameboX - digital art by Till Nowak. Le Top Motion Designer Français #4. Notre série spéciale sur le top des motion designer français revient pour un nouveau numéro ! Toujours dans le but de vous faire découvrir des talents de qualités, de belles découvertes sont à suivre. Emmanuel Cruellas Un très beau portfolio pour ce directeur artistique et Motion designer, il possède une grande diversité dans ses réalisations. Vous avez peut être déjà croisé l'une d'entre elles que nous avions présenté dans notre rendez-vous de "Nos lecteurs ont du Talent #5 ". Hollywotion aka Anthony De Simone Il réalise différents travaux de la post production, au montage en passant par le Motion Design, un profil complet et talentueux.

IceCream Découvert sur le blog de 95poucent, Nicolas Dufoure qui est Motion Designer situé sur Lyon présente de très belles réalisations de qualité, tout un univers entre composition et 3D à découvrir, n'hésitez pas à jeter un oeil sur son portfolio. Ping-ouh Tim Soret (merci à @jozue pour la découverte) Nos anciens numéros du magazine Motion Design: Oliver Jeffers - Painting. Diftype - The work of Niklas Lundberg. Kim Holm. Kim Holm is a Norwegian creative artist and motion designer working with both static and moving forms of design and artistic expression. Kim is deeply passionate about the art of creating memorable moments in time — moments projecting identities and telling stories. His main field of interest lies within art and design in moving forms, such as main titles, show openers or music videos. After graduating from Hyper Island (Sweden) in 2006, Kim has worked with renowned studios and agencies including Shilo - New York, Bleed, Scandinavian Design Group, Toxic and Apt.

During the past years, he has won a multitude of awards and earned international recognition in the fields of motion and graphic design. Growing up in the outskirts of eastern Norway has given him a strong connection to nature and wildlife, which naturally has become an important factor in his way of living and working. External Links - Personal Website.
