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Facebook's carousel ads are 10 times better than its regular ads. Carousel ads are 10 times better at getting people to click through compared to static sponsored posts on Facebook, according to a new report.

Facebook's carousel ads are 10 times better than its regular ads

The carousel ads, which let brands show multiple images and ultimately a link to some action, are driving 10 times more traffic to advertisers’ websites, according to data compiled by Kinetic Social, a social marketing tech firm. The report looked at ad trends over the past three months, according to the campaigns that pass through its platform. “Carousels are a major push for Facebook,” said Don Mathis, CEO of Kinetic Social, which helps brands market across social channels like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter. “The pricing is competitive and the performances are stellar. But we don’t know if that continues forever, because it’s a new product, and they tend to get good adoption in the early days.” For now, though, 1 percent of users are clicking through on carousel ads compared to 0.1 percent on non-carousel ads, Kinetic said. How to Publish a Facebook Post at the Same Time-of-Day in All Time Zones. Have you ever posted a "Good morning!

How to Publish a Facebook Post at the Same Time-of-Day in All Time Zones

" on your Facebook Page, only to realize that -- oops! -- morning in your part of the world isn't morning everywhere? I have. For example, I'm in California. So if I post a "Good morning! " Not exactly top of the morning. How to Create a Cheap Facebook PPC Ad. Mass add email. Mass add email. Atomic Email Hunter - learn how to extract emails from websites fast and targeted. "I need more sales quickly...

Atomic Email Hunter - learn how to extract emails from websites fast and targeted

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How to Convert Your Facebook Profile to a Facebook Page Without Losing All Your Friends

You’ve probably also been given a laundry list of benefits that come with making the switch. Still, you may have some concerns… One of the biggest concerns is losing all the friends you’ve worked so hard to bring to your profile. But here’s some good news. Ulead Pro - Facebook Targeted Graph Scraper - 3x More Quality Leads - BHW DISCOUNT! Facebook Email Marketing - Convert Facebook User ID's to Emails! Upgrade Bleupage — Bleupage. 7 tipů, jak inzerovat ve zbožových vyhledávačích před Vánoci. Kromě optimalizace vašich PPC kampaní byste neměli zapomenout ani na inzerci ve zbožových vyhledávačích.

7 tipů, jak inzerovat ve zbožových vyhledávačích před Vánoci

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Novinka: vyhodnocujte sociální sítě z pohledu výkonu

Doba ale pokročila a i Google pracuje na tom, aby v rámci webové analytiky k vyhodnocování social médií přispěl a proto pro nás všechny připravil řadu novinek. Nové reporty v Google Analytics ještě názorněji propojí to, co marketéry tolik pálí – sociální sítě a jejich přínos pro business. Google Analytics Social reports vám umožní: Zjistit jak návštěvy přicházející skrz jednotlivé soc. sítě konvertují Porovnat v jaké míře se přístupy ze sociálních sítí podílejí na celkových konverzích Vliv sociálních sítí na nákupní proces zákazníka (asistované konverze) V případě sociálních sítí zapojených do tzv. Mark For Later - Internetový obchod Chrome. Facebook ID Scraper, Facebook ID Scraper free, Facebook ID Scraper Software, Facebook ID Extractor, Facebook ID Scraper Free Download, Facebook page ID Scraper, Facebook page ID Scraper free download, Facebook group ID Scraper, Facebook UID Scraper, Faceb.

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How NOT to get cheap Facebook Likes with Ads. Reducing the cost of the acquisition of new likes is the ultimate goal of every advertiser using Facebook Ads to improve his page’s number of friends.

How NOT to get cheap Facebook Likes with Ads

However this search for cheap Facebook likes is often pushed too far, and what may seem like a great achievement is, in fact, just a waste of money. Yesterday I happened to see one of these cases where, what I would describe as a shady tactic, was used to gather a huge amount of likes on a Facebook Page. What’s worse is that the technique was used by a Social Media Agency, which should be aware of how useless this kind of action is.

Let me share it with you, it all started when I saw this Ad: Very basic but effective. Broad interest stuff, doing an ad like this usually results in a high CTR and Like rate. Facebook Ads Custom Audiences - Everything you need to know! Update 5/26/2014: If you want to know more about Custom Audiences, we’ve just released a Free eBook: The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Custom Audiences.

Facebook Ads Custom Audiences - Everything you need to know!

Download it now! Facebook has recently made Custom Audiences available to all their customers through the Ads Manager. This is a great news for you as it’ll allow you to create even better Facebook Ad campaigns! Facebook Scraping is Dead! And it's a good news for you! Porovnání: Facebook Reklama (Ads) vs. Podpořený příspěvek (Promoted post) -

Jak vybudovat kvalitní Facebook stránku? Ještě dřív, než si položíte otázku „Jak vybudovat kvalitní Facebook page“, měli byste si především ujasnit, proč stránku vlastně chcete vybudovat.

Jak vybudovat kvalitní Facebook stránku?

Pokud nejsou jasně stanovené cíle, bude to vždy jen střílení naslepo. Počet fanoušků by rozhodně neměl být to jediné, co budete vyhodnocovat. Jak získat 100 milionů údajů o uživatelích Facebooku. Jak získat 100 milionů údajů o uživatelích Facebooku. (12) Audience Insights. Facebook Developers. Learn, test, and debug the Facebook API. Jak získat 100 milionů údajů o uživatelích Facebooku. 5 důvodů, proč používám HootSuite pro správu sociálních sítí. Znáte HootSuite? Používáte ho? Facebook ID Scraper, Facebook ID Scraper free, Facebook ID Scraper Software, Facebook ID Extractor, Facebook ID Scraper Free Download, Facebook page ID Scraper, Facebook page ID Scraper free download, Facebook group ID Scraper, Facebook UID Scraper, Faceb. Introducing Graph Search. Facebook. Introducing Graph Search. (1) Audience Insights.

Can You Recognize Your Favorite Websites By Looking Only At Their Skeletons? Chances are you wouldn't be able to recognize your friends or loved ones without their skin, but how about your favorite websites? Can you tell them apart when they are stripped right down to their wireframes? Dedesign the Web and Dedesign the Web 2 are a pair of browser-based games built by Chicago-based UI and UX design bootcamp shows you just how memorably designed many of the most popular websites are, even without all their surface details. It turns out that sites like Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, and Facebook are recognizable even without all the logos and distinct iconography which are most strongly associated. There were very few sites I couldn't recognize just from their wireframe elements, which is, in a way, a depressing testament to just how much time I spend on these sites: like a lover, I can recognize them by digital touch alone. So while we all spend a lot of time obsessing about logos and branding, a great site design starts well beneath the skin.

Using Facebook Brand Assets. Pixel Troubleshooting. The Facebook Pixel Helper reports common errors. These states are indications that your webmaster needs to fix something in order to use the Facebook pixel product properly. Pixel Did Not Load This error means that the Pixel Helper found what looks to be Facebook pixel code on your site, but the actual HTTP call was never made. This could typically due to an error in the code, but could also occur if the pixel fires on a dynamic event (e.g. on a button click). In that case, the error will disappear upon clicking on the button. Encoded Characters. The simple image sharer. How to Steal Your Competitor’s Facebook Fans. What Facebook Knows. Photographs by Leah Fasten If Facebook were a country, a conceit that founder Mark Zuckerberg has entertained in public, its 900 million members would make it the third largest in the world.

It would far outstrip any regime past or present in how intimately it records the lives of its citizens. Private conversations, family photos, and records of road trips, births, marriages, and deaths all stream into the company’s servers and lodge there. Facebook has collected the most extensive data set ever assembled on human social behavior. Some of your personal information is probably part of it. And yet, even as Facebook has embedded itself into modern life, it hasn’t actually done that much with what it knows about us. Few Privacy Regulations Inhibit Facebook Laws haven't kept up with the company's ability to mine its users' data. Even as Facebook has embedded itself into modern life, it hasn’t done that much with what it knows about us. Contagious Information Social Engineering Doubling Data.

Facebook. Facebook Help Center. Getting Started with Facebook Apps. Facebook. What Facebook Knows. Brandsapps - Aplikace. Fotosoutěž Podpoř svou značku a získejte nové fanoušky. Vytvoření fotosoutěže je opravdu hračka. Pár minut na nastavení a tví fanoušci se postarají o zbytek. Soutěž se totiž automaticky síří na zdích hlasujících fanoušků. Díky tomu se o tom dozvědí všichni jejich přátelé.

POZOR: každou fotografii je nutné v administraci (stránka Moje aplikace) před zobrazením schválit. Výhody Pomocí aplikace získáš nové fanoušky (fan gate). Vestavěný sociální pluginy usnadňují fanouškům sdílet fotografie a tím aplikaci šířit dál. OpenRefine. How to Steal Your Competitor’s Facebook Fans. DIY basic Facebook data mining. OpenRefine.

Groups-without-tears.pdf. Groups-without-tears.pdf.