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Natural Health 365. Health, Kindness, Opportunity. Restoration Biology™ The body doesn't know its chronological age; it only acts its biological age. The body will perform miracles by the minute when it is edified with the proper raw materials. The ForeverGreen commitment is to provide the best raw materials known to man. Restoration Biology™ is a way to honor the intelligence of the body, where chronological age really becomes just a number, leaving your biological age up to you. So, how old do you want to be? Where would you like for your Restoration Biology™ to start? While Restoration Biology is a cellular holistic concept, you can choose to target and start the process from a specific area of interest for you: Cardio Immunity Weight Management General Health Why do ForeverGreen Products work so amazingly well?

Some people think it's because of our unique ingredients such as our Alpha 3 CMP Marine Phytoplankton or Hemp based "Versativa. " Natural Remedies. One Green Planet. Organic food info. Website of Andrew Weil, M.D. The Health Ranger. Kelly Hayford's Eat for Health. Natural Health Cures. Natural Society. Mind, Body, Green.