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Pierre-Yves Fraisse

8 outils en ligne pour créer des visuels attractifs. FreeRADIUS 2.x package. FreeRADIUS 2 package on pfSense 2.x Installation In pfsense 2.x go to System => Packages => Available Packages and click on the + behind freeradius2.

FreeRADIUS 2.x package

After Installation go to Services => FreeRADIUS First Configuration. An ARM GNU/Linux box for $25. Take a byte! Raspberry PI and Nagios Open Source monitoring » I-Security - news and security tutorials. Nagios and Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry PI and Nagios Open Source monitoring » I-Security - news and security tutorials

And Raspberry PI. Network: Home Directory Documentation Nagios Core Documentation Nagios and Raspberry PI Search Exchange Advanced Search Search All Sites.

and Raspberry PI

Mailman, the GNU Mailing List Manager. Mailman, the GNU Mailing List Manager Mailman is free software for managing electronic mail discussion and e-newsletter lists.

Mailman, the GNU Mailing List Manager

Mailman is integrated with the web, making it easy for users to manage their accounts and for list owners to administer their lists. Mailman supports built-in archiving, automatic bounce processing, content filtering, digest delivery, spam filters, and more. See the features page for details. Sympa. Sympa is an open source (GNU GPL) mailing list management (MLM) software.


Its name, which is an acronym for Systeme de Multi-Postage Automatique (i.e. Automatic Mailing System), also means "nice" (friendly) in French. Features[edit] Data is stored in a relational database such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Oracle; some configuration data is still held in text files, but the stated goal of the developers is to eventually hold as much configuration data as possible in the database as well.

Other features are: (a full list of features is available on the Sympa web site.[1]) History[edit] Sympa development started in 1995 and was first released in 1997. 6.1.17 released [Sympa mailing list server] Ezmlm. The latest version, 0.53, came out in 1997.


The ezmlm-idx patches add modern features like MIME handling. Features[edit] Mailing List Manager Pro > Features > Compare LITE and BUSINESS versions. : phpList : The world's most popular open source email campaign manager. – GOsa. Knowledge Center - SSL Certificates Support.

Centralized RSYSLOG Server Monitoring. This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to install RSYSLOG server on Debian 6 (Squeeze) and how to send syslog data to it from multiple client servers.

Centralized RSYSLOG Server Monitoring

We will also show how to install an Apache webserver and a MySQL database server to gather the syslog data and how to install LogAnalyzer to easily browse the collected data with a web-browser. I'm using an readymade OpenVZ virtualisation template for this setup but this should also work on most Debian based operating Systems. Logstash - open source log management. Sub quality blogging. I casino online sono finalmente realtà anche da noi in Italia.

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It’s an alternative to using logstash on your nodes to ship logs.

shipping to logstash with rsyslog - logstash cookbook

The logstash agent, when run from java, can incur significant overhead. The minimum memory footprint I have been able to achieve is about 100mb. On tiny virtual machines, this may not be acceptable, so you need an alternative. How to Setup Rsyslog Remote Logging on Linux (Central Log Server) Every Linux distribution have some kind of logging mechanism that records all the system activities.

How to Setup Rsyslog Remote Logging on Linux (Central Log Server)

A while back we provided a list of 20 log files that are stored under /var/log that you might be helpful during troubleshooting. These logs are very critical for sysadmin for troubleshooting purpose. The following are the three common methods to log a message: Logging on the same server: Messages get written into the local hard drive/local databaseLogging on a remote server: Many systems forward their logs over the network to a central log server.

Configurer LogAnalyzer avec Syslog-ng. Using Loganalyzer with syslog-ng « Czanik@BalaBit. Recently I found many e-mail and forum posts looking for a web GUI for syslog-ng. One of them, Loganalyzer is getting more popular, as a completely free web application. There is just one catch, it was not designed for syslog-ng originally. With this post I try to help to make syslog-ng work with Loganalyzer. On the syslog-ng side, one needs at least version 3.0 with database support enabled. Consolidation des logs avec rsyslog, MySQL et LogAnalyser. Debian Lenny et Wheezy, Ubuntu Server 10.04 Dès qu’on a plus d’un serveur à gérer il est intéressant de pouvoir centraliser les logs des différentes machines pour en simplifier l’administration. Supervision répartie.

Shinken_10min_start [Shinken] By following this tutorial, in 10 minutes you will have a fully installed monitoring system for your network. The very first step is to verify that your server meets the requirements . You can get familiar with the Shinken Architecture now, or after the installation. This will explain the software components and how they fit together. Ready? Let's go! Do not mix installation methods! PfSense Open Source Firewall Distribution - Home. Introduction au Traffic Shapping avec pfSense 2.0.

Comme le dit si bien la page de Wikipédia consacrée à ce sujet, la qualité de service (QoS) est la capacité à véhiculer dans de bonnes conditions un type de trafic donné, en termes de disponibilité, débit, délais de transmission, gigue, taux de perte de paquets… Autrement dit, la qualité de service est un concept qui a pour but d'optimiser les ressources d'un réseau en permettant la définition d'une politique appliqué aux flux de données réseau.

La mise au point de ce type de mécanismes est nécessaire pour permettre d'offrir aux clients du réseau un accès fluide à certaines applications qui le nécessitent (Voix sur IP, visioconférence, jeux interactifs, …). Squid Package Tuning. Performance Tweaks. Installation d’un Firewall sous pfsense 1.2 avec page captive, serveur Radius site de travaille collaboratif (eGroupWare) » Totorux & Linux.