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Maths. Maths. Monkey Raptor: Testing jqMath: jQuery (and CSS) Module for Embedding Mathematical Expressions on Webpages. The Narrowing the Gaps Pedagogy Project: Formulator Tarsia Jigsaw Puzzles. The brilliant (and, amazingly, free!) Formulator Tarsia application makes special jigsaw puzzles where learners match up questions and answers on adjacent puzzle pieces. It is a fantastic, fun "entry-level" collaborative activity. You input the questions and answers and the software jumbles them up and makes an attractive puzzle of shapes. The puzzles generate dialogue, reactivate prior knowledge and - if thoughtfully designed - can encourage higher order thinking.

Ideally use in groups of three to encourage discussion and peer learning. The questions and answers can obviously be on any topic, but be careful not to use lengthy questions or answers as the font will be very small when the jigsaw is printed out. The software can be downloaded from this page (scroll down to the Formulator Tarsia heading and find the "Formulator Tarsia Installation Package" then run the installer). Shared notebook: Videos. Circle Theorems | Mathematics, Learning and Technology. A collection of excellent free resources for demonstrating the various circle theorems: Tim Devereux has created GeoGebra applets which allow exploration of the circle theorems.

You can access each theorem from the menu on the left which includes a useful summary of all the theorems. From Suffolk Maths there are many GeoGebra applets available including a set for the Circle theorems. The collection includes a PowerPoint with instructions for drawing circles and measuring angles with Geogebra. From Nrich comes an interactive Geoboard and a selection of problems to introduce circle theorems. As with all Nrich resources teachers’ notes are included. See these on the Subtended Angles problem for example. Update – and now of course we can use the brilliant GeoBoard tool from Beluga!

On Ron Barrow’s excellent Waldomaths site there are applets covering the vocabulary needed and for demonstrating the various theorems. Move A, B, C and D by dragging and experiment. Like this: Like Loading... Related. Tarsia jigsaw. Numeracy: HD1/L2.3, HD1/L2.4 Resource type: Tarsia jigsaw Level: L2 A 12 piece jigsaw where the square pieces form a rectangle. Learners to match questions on mean, mode, median and range to the correct answers. Whatever their original format, all Tarsia jigsaws can also be printed out as flashcards / dominoes. You will need Tarsia Formulator in order to use this resource. Rewriting quadratic expressions to reveal key features | Completing the square.

Rewriting quadratic expressions to reveal key features. ALGEBRA I. Windows Preview - Weekly Builds. Integral Calculator: Wolfram Mathematica Online Integrator. What is a variable? | Variables and expressions. Greg Tang Math. * Click the icons to change the leaderboard Home - Create an Account 1. Click the Sign Up button on the home tab. 2. Fill out all parts of the form, then click submit. 3. Upon submitting the form, a confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided. . * Note: If you don't see our email in your inbox, be sure to check your junk/spam mail. 4. . * Once logged in, the Home tab will turn into your profile page.

Here, your progress is automatically tracked and updated. Play Kakooma Your top 10 scores on every game mode are automatically tracked when you're signed in to your account! Choose from different operators, difficulties, and game modes. * Click the star icon to view your top 10 scores for each game variation. Leaderboard World-wide rankings for all game variations. By default, the leaderboard starts on Addition - 5 Number - Rush. To view the leaderboard you want, click the icons. 1. 2. 3. . * Remember, you must be logged in for your scores to count towards the leaderboard. Schedule Times. Greg Tang Math. Mathway: Math Problem Solver. Cymath - Math Solver with Steps.