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Flock. Snipshot: Edit pictures online. Pin in the map - mark a spot; attach text; send to others. GMiF - Google Maps in Flickr. GMiF - Google Maps in Flickr GMiF is an third party add-on of Flickr. It will embed a Google Maps in Flickr photo page and display where the photo was taken on the maps, if the photo is geotagged. GMiF also makes geotagging very easy. You can save geotags, add description or comment with only one click. Furthermore, GMiF is a geotagged photo viewer. You can browse all your geotagged photos and show nearby photos geotagged by others. This is an easy way to see your geotagged photos on Gmap without leaving flickr. Current Release: GMiF 4.0 The new version of GMiF 4.0 is powered by Google Maps API 2.0.

Download: I am devoted to web programming for personal interests and run all services at home via DSL connection. LfVr - a Lightweight flickr Viewer. Webmonkey: The Web Developer's Resource. Quick Online Tips. Welcome to ajaxSketch - an ajaxLaunch family application. Absolutely - Complete Tool Collection. - New Tools for Quicker Posts in : Last public marks. direc.tor: Delivering A High-Performance AJAX Web Se. June 20, 2005 What is it? direc.tor is a prototype for an alternative web-based rich UI for It leverages the XML and XSL services of modern browsers to deliver a responsive interface for managing user accounts with a large number of records.

The main features are: In-browser handling of bookmarks (tested up to 12,000 records) Find-as-you-type searching of all your bookmarks, with basic search operators Sort by description, tags, or timestamp Ad-hoc tag browser How do I use it? Because of the restrictions on the browser, you'll need to load this using a Javascript bookmarklet. Create a bookmarklet by bookmarking the following link: Go to Launch the bookmark you just created while you are still on the page Login to, if prompted(Try the static demo if you don't have a account.) NOTE: This only works on Firefox and Internet Explorer. Supported operators direc.tor supports the following operators: