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Microsite. Nagging in Marriage Is More Common Than Adultery But Can Also Lead to Divorce. Ken Mac Dougall bit into the sandwich his wife had packed him for lunch and noticed something odd—a Post-it note tucked between the ham and the cheese. He pulled it out of his mouth, smoothed the crinkles and read what his wife had written: "Be in aisle 10 of Home Depot tonight at 6 p.m. " Mr. Mac Dougall was renovating the couple's Oak Ridge, N.J., kitchen, and his wife had been urging him to pick out the floor tiles. He felt he had plenty of time to do this task. "I thought the note was an ingenious and hysterical way to get his attention," says his wife, Janet Pfeiffer (whose occupation, interestingly enough, is a motivational speaker), recalling the incident which occurred several years ago. Nagging—the interaction in which one person repeatedly makes a request, the other person repeatedly ignores it and both become increasingly annoyed—is an issue every couple will grapple with at some point.

Selected Student Generated Ice Breakers and Exercises. Draw a tic-tac-toe, in each of the boxes write down one characteristic important to a healthy relationship. When done, we will play "people bingo" with it. Dare Double Dare... If you were required to come up in front of this class and have to do one activity of the list below continuously for 1-3 minutes, which would you be more likely to do? What would you least like to do from this list?

Go ahead and number the items from 1-10 on a seperate sheet of paper. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. After the tic-tac-toe, decide as a group which you will do in front of the class. a variation:. 1. 2. 3. 4. This is a fun version of the classic "musical chairs. " Next Chair Please: A version of train wreck, but you need to move to the next person's lap! Communication Concepts: Self-Disclosure Finding Common Ground to Create Trust Risk-taking Nonverbal Communication -- Touch and Personal Space *Scavenger Hunt: Students were placed in small group of 5. Trust Me! Human Knot With a Twist! Blindfold Please. Challenge Two: | | The New Conversations InitiativeThe New Conversations Initiative. SUMMARY (repeated from Introduction) This chapter in the The Seven Challenges Workbook describes the process of starting conversations by declaring your conversational intent and inviting the conscious consent of your prospective conversation partners.

The basic idea is that you can help your conversation partners cooperate with you and reduce possible misunderstandings by starting important conversations with a stated invitation to join you in the specific kind of conversation you want to have. The more the conversation is going to mean to you, the more important it is for your conversation partner to understand the big picture. Most conversations express one or another of about thirty basic intentions, which imply different kinds of cooperation from your conversation partners. They can play their role in specific conversations much better if you clarify for yourself, and then identify for them, the role you are asking for, rather than leaving them to guess what you might be wanting. New Conversations Initiative: Communication Skills for Life SuccessThe New Conversations Initiative. Supplements.