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1404.2697v1.pdf. 1404.2697v1.pdf. Top 5: Best countries to host your website for data privacy. This site is about the idea of thinking beyond borders and challenging pre-conceived notions.

Top 5: Best countries to host your website for data privacy

When it comes to data privacy and the best countries to host your website, you have to think outside of the box. That means that a country that has high taxes and a high cost of living may be valuable for other reasons, such as protecting your data privacy. While the United States has most of the world’s top web hosting companies, those companies are subject to increasingly draconian anti-privacy laws. (The US also hosts more malware than any other country by a factor of three). Just as the US government has helped themselves to offshore .com domain names, hosting your website within US borders could pose a serious risk to your data privacy, especially if you publish things the US government doesn’t like.

While the best countries to host your website may vary based on what country you’re based in, here are some of the countries with the strongest data privacy laws for websites and the press. I2P. The software is free and open source and is published under multiple licenses. The name I2P is derived from Invisible Internet Project, which, in pseudo-mathematical notation, is represented as I²P. Technical design[edit] I2P is beta software since 2003.[3] Developers emphasize that there are likely to be bugs in the software and that there has been insufficient peer review to date.[4] However, they believe the code is now reasonably stable and well-developed, and more exposure can help development of I2P. Many developers of I2P are known only under pseudonyms. While the previous main developer, jrandom, is currently on hiatus, others, such as zzz and Complication have continued to lead development efforts, and are assisted by numerous contributors.[6] Software[edit]

Prevent online profiling with automatic fake browsing - TheyCameFor.Me. Email Self-Defense - a guide to fighting surveillance with GnuPG encryption. There is Always a Way. Psiphon. At some point in time, you recognize that knowing more does not necessarily make you more happy. This weblog is about both: knowledge and happiness. Analysis. Free Online Virus, Malware and URL Scanner - Vimperator. Global Security Map. HostExploit. Five Computer Security Myths, Debunked by Experts. Protecting Drupal emails using PGP encryption. Some of our clients' business procceses require receiving sensitive data from their website through email.

Protecting Drupal emails using PGP encryption

To solve this problem, we decided to use Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) encryption combined with Gpg4Win and Drupal's OpenPGP module. Requirements Though it's possible you'll get this working with a different setup, here is what we used: Note: At the time of writing, the Gpg4Win plugin for Outlook does NOT work with Outlook 2010. Hopefully this will change. How secure is PGP email encryption? Though no security system is completely fail-safe, this is as good as it gets. Process overview Install the OpenPGP module on your Drupal site Install a PGP client/manager (see below for available software) Create a private and public key Add your private key to your Drupal account Configure your email client 1.

We used the OpenPGP module for Drupal We won't cover installation of a Drupal module here. 2. Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 Download Gpg4Win and follow installation steps. iTools - use the best tools. Ghostery. Ghosterians!


We have a new release ready for the masses. We found a few issues and made some updates. Wireshark · Go deep. Map of current phishing attacks. SecTools.Org Top Network Security Tools. Everything You Wanted to Know about TOR & the Deep Web. Onion Pi Pack w/Large Antenna - Make a Raspberry Pi Tor Proxy ID: 1406 - $94.95. Want something more compact?

Onion Pi Pack w/Large Antenna - Make a Raspberry Pi Tor Proxy ID: 1406 - $94.95

We suggest our compact Onion Pi model, it still has great range, but will take up less space! Feel like someone is snooping on you? Browse anonymously anywhere you go with the Onion Pi Tor proxy. Using this pack of parts and a free weekend you can build a project that uses a Raspberry Pi, a USB WiFi adapter and Ethernet cable to create a small, low-power and portable privacy Pi. After it's built, using it is easy-as-pie. This pack comes with everything you need, $108 of parts for $95. You'll still need to set up the access point and Tor software according to our tutorial. Please note! HTTPS Everywhere.

Penetration Testing

Anonymous Browsing. Black Hat USA 2014. Keynotes Cybersecurity as Realpolitik Power exists to be used.

Black Hat USA 2014

Some wish for cyber safety, which they will not get. Others wish for cyber order, which they will not get. Some have the eye to discern cyber policies that are "the least worst thing;" may they fill the vacuum of wishful thinking. Briefings 48 Dirty Little Secrets Cryptographers Don't Want You To Know Over the past year, more than 10,000 people participated in the Matasano crypto challenges, a staged learning exercise where participants implemented 48 different attacks against realistic cryptographic constructions.

In this talk, we'll run through all 48 of the crypto challenges, giving Black Hat attendees early access to all of the crypto challenges.