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Reconciling Market Segments and Personas. Market segmentation and personas are two different techniques that are often perceived as conflicting methods, but they are actually complementary tools that organizations can use to design and sell successful products. The value of market segmentation The marketing profession has taken much of the guesswork out of determining what motivates people to buy. One of the most powerful tools for doing so is market segmentation, which groups people by their distinct needs to determine what types of consumers will be most receptive to a particular product or marketing message. These groups form a consumer model. To develop these models, marketers classify consumers according to a set of demographics and geographic variables such as age, race, education, and location.

However, understanding why somebody wants to buy something is not the same thing as actually defining the product—what it is, how it will work, and how it will be used. The value of personas How do you select the right personas? Entries about Personas. Whew. That was close. As every year, there’s a risk that we’ll be overrun with with zombies, werewolves, vampires, sasquatch(es), and mummies before the veil that separates the world seals tight for another year. But a quick tally around the Cooper offices shows that here, at least, we all made it. Hope all our readers are yet un-undead as well. While we’re taking this breather, we’re called to reflect a bit on this year’s interaction design for monsters. Monsters are extreme personas One of the power of personas is that they encourage designers to be more extrospective, to stop designing for themselves.

But then again… Some of the constraints of the monsters are human constraints writ large (or writ strangely). Juan wasn’t a useful person in and of himself, but his users exercised flash mob requirements of real-time activation and coordination. PERSONAS: définition et démarche. Quelques éléments de définition… Un PERSONA, c’est un utilisateur-type (le fameux archétype), une représentation fictive des utilisateurs cibles, qu’on peut utiliser pour fixer des priorités et guider nos décisions de conception d’interface. La méthode des PERSONAS est une technique de conception centrée Utilisateurs, initiée par Alan Cooper en 1999. Cette méthode permet d’offrir une vision commune et partagée des utilisateurs d’un service ou d’un produit, en insistant sur leurs buts, leurs attentes et leurs freins potentiels, et en proposant un format des plus engageants.

La démarche … Du collaboratif AVANT TOUT… avec quelques ateliers de travail, pas mal d’entretiens, et l’épluchage de diverses sources, pour recueillir l’ensemble de faits nécessaires à la construction des PERSONAS. Une démarche en 3 temps:PREPARER – CONSTRUIRE – COMMUNIQUER ET UTILISER… 1 Préparer Le démarrage dont tout va dépendre. 2 Construire La phase la plus délicate. 3 Communiquer et Utiliser Quelques liens: CRM segmentation | Have Personas Become Chic Again?

Best Buy brought personas into the mainstream in 2005 when it started designing its stores around customer segments. Jill, the soccer-mom type with an aversion to electronics who is the main shopper in the family, became famous after Best Buy designed specific stores with pink balloons and Hello Kitty merchandise to cater to this segment. While Best Buy still accommodates Jill, she has slipped from the limelight. Personas themselves haven't received much press either…until recently. Lately companies like AOL, BMW, and USAA, have discussed how they're taking their persona initiatives to the next level by integrating them with other company data and layering them with behavioral characteristics to conduct everything from customer acquisition to product development. Vidya L. Ergonomic Garden - sqli agency - Ergonomie Web - Personas : du collaboratif, du participatif... sinon rien ! - Ergonomic Garden - sqli agency - Ergonomie Web - Personas: pas seulement pour une Vision partagée des Utilisateurs... -