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اعمل بمجال التصميم الغرافيكي وثلاثي الابعاد ،والخدع السينمائية باستخدام برنامج الماكس والافتر افكت.... 3D max professinal,Painter رسام انطباعي ومصور غرافيكي

Art Studio lesson 5 (excerpt) Painting with Marbles. Middle School Art Lessons by Medium. Your favorite music you've never heard. The Cello Song - (Bach is back with 7 more cellos) - ThePianoGuys. Coldplay - Paradise (Peponi) African Style (Piano/Cello Cover) - ThePianoGuys. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Photos du journal.

Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Josef Kote (1964), Albanian painter # 382. The Elements of Art. Olive Trees with Yel­low Sky and Sun by Vin­cent VanGogh While explor­ing one of my favorite Art web­sites, His­tory, I came across a great expla­na­tion of the “Ele­ments of Art”.

The Elements of Art

The author uses the anal­ogy of the Ele­ments of Art being like the “build­ing blocks” that artists use to cre­ate their art­work. Sim­i­lar to how dif­fer­ent atoms com­bine to form other things (ex. hydro­gen and oxy­gen com­bine to form H2O), the artist com­bines some or all of the Ele­ments of Art (line, shape, form, space, tex­ture, value, color) to cre­ate his paint­ing, draw­ing, sculp­ture, etc.

Teach­ing your stu­dents about the Ele­ments of Art will give you a com­mon vocab­u­lary with which to talk about Art, whether it be stu­dent work or the work of a mas­ter from long ago. An Ele­ments of Art “scav­enger hunt” using the work of a famous artist is a fun way to test and rein­force your stu­dents’ under­stand­ing while expos­ing them to great works of Art. Photos du journal. Photos du journal. Bridge. Qi gong (Chi Kung) The Life Touch of Healing.

