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Spirits and Cocktails

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Cultured Spirit - Rum and Yogurt Cocktail Drink Recipe. The Story Of: Mezcal. We at want nothing more than to educate our readers about any and all spirits and cocktails that come our way.

The Story Of: Mezcal

In order to show our appreciation for your need for a spirit-ual education, we welcome you to our several-month series dedicated to any and all spirits. Maybe you’ve heard of them, maybe you haven’t, but either way, you may learn something you never knew about your favorite spirit before! Consider this the beginning of some much needed spirit-ual guidance. Sipping on a Sunset, Italy in Mind. First, several years ago, there was St.

Sipping on a Sunset, Italy in Mind

-Germain, the delicate elderflower liqueur. Early on, it entered a long-term relationship with prosecco: if you wanted to date the sparkling Italian refreshment, you were stuck with its French chaperon. Next up was Domaine de Canton, and every lounge drink began to taste vaguely of gingersnaps. The Web’s Best Manly Margaritas. On the scale of manly drinks, margaritas aren’t exactly on the same level as ordering a whiskey neat.

The Web’s Best Manly Margaritas

Of course, they aren’t Bahama breezes or strawberry daiquiris either. Floating in this middle ground somewhere, they are open to a lot of experimentation. Here are some recipes for awesome ones that fall on the manlier side of the divide. 2862988menupopup.jpg (436×1161) The Sazerac-The Original Cocktail. Cachaça and Caipirinha, From the Drink Lexicon of Brazil. Manhattan (cocktail) The Manhattan is one of six basic drinks listed in David A.

Manhattan (cocktail)

Embury's classic The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. A popular history suggests that the drink originated at the Manhattan Club in New York City in the early 1870s, where it was invented by Dr. Iain Marshall for a banquet hosted by Jennie Jerome (Lady Randolph Churchill, Winston's mother) in honor of presidential candidate Samuel J. Tilden. The success of the banquet made the drink fashionable, later prompting several people to request the drink by referring to the name of the club where it originated—"the Manhattan cocktail".[4][5] However, Lady Randolph was in France at the time and pregnant, so the story is likely a fiction.[6] The original "Manhattan cocktail" was a mix of "American Whiskey, Italian Vermouth and Angostura bitters".[7][8] During Prohibition (1920–1933) Canadian whisky was primarily used because it was what was available.[9]

Polish Sidecar Cocktail a traditonal cocktail Recipe. Mixology/Bartending Basics 101. A pitcher This is simply a container to hold and pour drinks that are made in large quantities.

Mixology/Bartending Basics 101

Fine Sherry Wine From Small-Scale Spanish Production. IT was after 11 p.m., the usual dinner hour in the heart of sherry country.

Fine Sherry Wine From Small-Scale Spanish Production

Olives, almonds and thin slices of ham glistening with oil had been served; platters of langoustines and thick steaks were to come. The attention of everyone around the long wooden table in this quiet restaurant was on the sherry, a fino that had been bottled five years ago. Conventional wisdom suggests that fino sherries must be consumed when they are young or they will lose their vitality and wither. Tasting Notes: Knob Creek Rye Whiskey. Happy anniversary to the original small batch bourbon It’s been 20 years since Knob Creek shipped its first batch of bourbon.

Tasting Notes: Knob Creek Rye Whiskey

Back in 1992, terms like “small batch bourbon” and “super-premium” didn’t exist. Sacrifice Calories, Not Taste, With Skinnier Summer Cocktails : The Salt. Hide caption Wanna make this 150-ish calorie Melon Margarita?

Sacrifice Calories, Not Taste, With Skinnier Summer Cocktails : The Salt

Keep clicking ... Becky Lettenberger/NPR Becky Lettenberger/NPR Hide caption Rub half a lime around the rim of the glass. Dip the rim into the salt. For less salt: Make a lipstick-sized mark on the rim instead of coating the whole thing. 10 Jello Shots Worth the Hangover. Mimosas and More. Every year, our calendars point us to one day where our mothers should get extra special treatment.

Mimosas and More

And while they should get the same treatment the other 364 days of the year as well (love you mom!) , this day is the most special of them all. So to pamper your mother in every possible way, we have provided you with some great Mother’s Day gift ideas, treat ideas, and a fabulous brunch menu. But, as the icing on the Mother’s Day cake, let’s throw in a few boozy ideas in mimosa form. The traditional mimosa made of Champagne and orange juice is the perfect accompaniment for a late morning brunch--this we know. Photo courtesy of nerdling via Flickr/ccDo you have any fun variations on the classic mimosa? The Daisy Cocktail. The Daisy cocktail is old school.

The Daisy Cocktail

It’s been documented in recipe books as early as the last quarter of the 19th century, and likely consumed way before that. Like many popular classic drinks, it’s essentially a gussied up sour. There are several different versions of it, but the general consensus is that the basic foundation is spirit (often brandy of some kind), lemon juice, some sort of sweet liquid and a fizzy top off. Then it got fancier, the sweet component became yellow Chartreuse. Then the base switched to gin. Tequila Drinks, Tequila Cocktails, Tequila Drink Recipes. New Whiskies for Spring and Summer. One, Singular Spirits Sensation. The beginning of this century has seen a dramatic shift in bar trends.

First there was the flair bartender, using pre-fab mixers to flip and toss sweet drinks that often tasted like the sun screen left behind at the tanning booth. Then came the glorious return of fresh ingredients and pre-Prohibition nostalgia. But this sometimes resulted in be-vested barkeeps building cocktails with too many ingredients and enough tinctures to confuse a licensed pharmacist. It’s been fashionable for these to be consumed in hidden locations so exclusive they can make one forget that drinking is supposed to be fun. The latest shift is much more customer-oriented. New York City has been leading the trend.

Spring Break Cocktails. 5 tropical drinks to make at home As seen in yesterday's What's Cookin' article, we're honoring all things spring break this week at Snooth, just in time for this beautiful weather we've been granted on the East Coast. To accompany all of those perfect beach meals, we've put together our top five vacation-style cocktails and just how to make them. Throw that pre-made daiquiri mix away and submit to the pleasure of a quality, homemade cocktail. Rum For All. Tuesday, March 27, I had the pleasure of attending Rum For All, a lecture and tasting led by spirits authorities F. Paul Pacult and Sean Ludford at Keen’s steakhouse in Manhattan. This informative discussion explored the history and production of rum, as well as a chance to taste through a wide range of styles and origins. In attendance were some of the top area bartenders, spirits professionals and writers, who were free to chime in and provide additional insights.

The lecture began with Pacult wielding a large stick of sugar cane (procured with some finesse from Chelsea Market), explaining how stalks like this are the foundation of all rum production. Cocktail Recipes - The Orient Express Cocktail - DailyCandy The Roundup. The Corpse Reviver. Easter has become one of my favorite drinking holidays over the past few years. Gin Drinks - Cocktail Recipes. Jello shots: America’s spring break drink. Wikimedia Commons. Dry Curaçao. 8 Irish Whiskies for St. Patrick's Day. Though St. The Original Daiquiri. How to Infuse Your Own Cocktails. With the boom of craft cocktails and artisanal liquors, bars across the country are infusing their own spirits. From spicy pepper vodka to sweet pineapple-infused rum, these transformed spirits are perfect for whipping up a uniquely distinct cocktail in a flash.

NOM-186 and the Continued Fight Over Agave. Sidecar (cocktail) Top 10 Spirits 2011 Ten Best Liquor. Oscar Night Cocktails. 9 award-worthy mixed drinks for the evening. Have Craft Cocktails Hurt or Helped Wine Sales? 5 Presidential Cocktails. Top 5 Tequila Cocktails. Valentine's Day Cocktail Ideas. 5 Top Whiskey Drinks. Understanding Mezcal.