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Sculpture and plastic forming

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3DForge. Update: Scott Musgrove – “Walktopus” Bronze. We’ve featured some of Scott Musgrove’s (featured) bronze sculptures before in the past here on AM, but this newest one may be our favorite.

Update: Scott Musgrove – “Walktopus” Bronze

Walktopus stands five feet tall and will feature working candle lanterns when finished. Next up is to get this clay sculpt molded and cast in bronze by the good people at Metalphysic in Tucson. A couple more photos after the jump… Discuss Scott Musgrove here. Art In Our Blood: EXOSKELETON. This is the ultimate skeleton-inspired jewelry piece!


You might have noticed I don't wear silver jewelry a lot; the reason being, I only have 2 pieces of silver jewelry actually (this necklace and now this bracelet). I do feel that the silver tone of the bracelet reflects the ivory color of bones more accurately than gold would though! Instead of going for a dark look, I wanted to compliment the silver jewelry with whites and pastels. But if you're looking for more authentic looking bone jewelry, you seriously must check out OS Accessories!

Every single piece is so beautifully crafted and you won't find anything like it anywhere else. Today I finally finished my still life drawing!!! The OsmoBot - the Affordable Aquaculture & Hydroponic Monitoring System. Beautiful Wooden Tables With Glass Inlays Inspired by the Rivers and Ponds of the Pacific Northwest. Air Tank Forge Build Along in Forge & Foundry Archive 1 Forum. We are gonna builld a usefull size, fuel efficient forge, that is small enough to take along with you to where you need it.

Air Tank Forge Build Along in Forge & Foundry Archive 1 Forum

We are gonna do this with the junk I can scrounge from my stash of junk. This puppy will get the steel hot enough to forge weld. Ok, this is the victim, an old air tank that dont hold air anymore. 'Round here, there are one or two of these in 'bout every garage, carport, and toolshed. Brand new they are like $24 from Harbor Freight. First we mark for the cut.

This is the dangerous part, cutting out the line. I'm gonna assume you do not have a welder. Use your file, sandpaper, or flap disc to dress the edges... them's YOUR fingers after all... Almost everyone has a set of door hinges stashed somewhere in a junk drawer Now put the top back on and trace where they go with your Sharpie Drill the holes for the hinge bolts. Now set the bottom half on end. Make several cuts (like an asterisk) centered 2 inches up from the bottom. Use a hammer to drive the wedges in. Little Dragon figurine fantasy art sculpture by DemiurgusDreams. S most recently posted photos of cardstock and cardstockmodel. Flickr Hive Mind is a search engine as well as an experiment in the power of Folksonomies.

s most recently posted photos of cardstock and cardstockmodel

All thumbnail images come directly from Flickr, none are stored on Flickr Hive Mind. These photos are bound by the copyright and license of their owners, the thumbnail links take to you to the photos (as well as their copyright and license details) within Flickr. Because some other search engines (Google, etc.) index parts of Flickr Hive Mind, you may have been led here from one of them. Welcome to Flickr Hive Mind, almost certainly the best search engine for photography on the web. If you are a Flickr user and use Flickr Stats you may have seen people being led to your photos via Flickr Hive Mind (as a Referrer). Flickr Hive Mind is a data mining tool for the Flickr photography database, allowing search by: tags(keywords); Flickr photography groups; Flickr users, their contacts, and favorites; free text; the Flickr Explore algorithm for interestingness. How to Get A Velvet Finish on Polymer Clay.

By Marina (Skopje, Macedonia) QUESTION: I have stumbled upon this product on etsy (photo) and fell in love with the finish!

How to Get A Velvet Finish on Polymer Clay

But there is nothing on how to get such grainy velvety finish (and they said you can find everything on the internet....) Can you help me? Thanks so much for the attention. MarinaRepublic of Macedonia ANSWER: Hello Marina,Finishes like this are usually done by adding flock to the polymer clay. After doing extensive research I have heard that the best flocking to use is Fun Flock by Stampendous . To apply it to the polymer clay you have to use a very flat glue. Which is also handy for adhering micro-beads or glitter to polymer clay. To get such a fine finish, you can also dust the raw clay with the powder so that only a thin layer actually sticks to the polymer clay- then bake it. To apply the flock powder. However, as this isn't a picture of something I have made, I can't tell you exactly what they have done in more specific steps.

Vacuum Forming Machines AFFORDABLE THERMOFORMING MACHINE - Products. Video Features:


Vacuum Forming. How to melt plastic bottles (pet) or other kind of plastics (no plastic bags) and be able to pour it into a mold? How to melt plastic bottles (pet) or other kind of plastics (no plastic bags) and be able to pour it into a mold?