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Twelve things you don't need to pay for | Money. One of the best ways to save money is to never pay for anything you can get for free. Here are 12 things that you could end up paying for but don't need to. 1. Reclaiming PPI There are a multitude of companies offering to help you claim your money back if you have been a victim of payment protection insurance mis-selling. Most of these firms will take a percentage of whatever compensation you may be eligible for – usually 25% – and on top of that there can be other charges. If you do the legwork yourself it won't cost you anything, except perhaps the price of a postage stamp. Our guide on how to reclaim PPI can help you determine whether to make the claim yourself. 2. This card will allow cardholders to receive free or discounted medical treatment while abroad in European Economic Area (EEA) countries.

Remember that all family members over the age of 16 must have their own card. 3. NHS Direct, which offers 24-hour health advice, has relaunched as NHS 111. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 7 Foods That Boost Your Brainpower. Welcome to Forbes. The Big List Of 100 Tools, Tips And Tricks To Work More Efficiently Online. By Alyssa Aldersley , visit Buffer . What does it take to be productive? It’s a question I often ask myself and to be honest I don’t have a great answer for it yet. One key discovery I’ve made over the past year or so is that I need to have great habits in place. That’s why I’m working on a solid running routine and on a set wake-up time and sleep time. These things have been incredibly helpful for me and I know both Joel and Leo have discovered the same.

One other realization I had is that, as I now spend so much of my day working online, there are a heap of new apps being created all the time to help us all become more productive. That’s why I thought of compiling a full list of 100 tools, tips and tricks for you to reflect a bit on your own productivity. Of course, a sure fire way to fail might be to try and use all 100, which Joel pointed out to me when we discussed this post!

10 awesome music sites to get into your zone “In the case of music, it’s a little different. 1. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8 Statements That Can Transform Your Work (and Personal) Life. Small Business Ideas and Resources for Entrepreneurs. Burnout ‘is a bigger heart attack risk than smoking’ Working too hard? Permanently exhausted after years of stress and long days in the office? If so, it really is time to make a change and cut back your hours. As well as improving your social life it could reduce your risk of having a heart attack – by nearly 80 per cent. People suffering burnout are even more likely to develop heart disease than smokers, a study has found.

The ‘alarming’ results show employers need to do more to support workers, as once they experience long-term exhaustion it is usually a downward spiral, said researcher Dr Sharon Toker. The study tested 8,838 apparently healthy men and women for signs of both burnout and heart disease, with controls in place to take account of other risk factors. People in the top 20 per cent of the burnout scale were found to be 79 per cent more likely to have a heart attack, while all sufferers had at least a 40 per cent increased risk. This leads to physical wear and tear, which eventually weakens the body. How to End a Bad Relationship for Good.

Sometimes we find ourselves in relationships that make us miserable more than they make us happy, relationships that we know in our hearts are not right, yet still have a hold on us. If you're feeling stuck in a dead-end relationship that keeps drawing you back in, here are some research-based strategies you may not have considered before for ending it for good and getting on with your life. This is tricky because, neurochemically speaking, the two are very similar-- studies have shown that when romantic partners who are intensely in love are exposed to photographs of their beloved, the brain regions that become activated are the same regions that are activated in cocaine addicts when they are craving cocaine. But even if love has some addiction-like qualities, healthy love is likely to involve other qualities as well, such as respect, trust, and commitment, qualities that keep a relationship strong even on those days when excitement and passion are not at the forefront.

How to Play Clean Office Politics. Is There Life After Work? Defuse Difficult People - Management Tip of the Day - February 14, 2013. Why You Need To Lead With Your Heart. According to the Conference Board, job satisfaction in America has been on a steep and steady decline for an entire generation. The century-old research organization reported this summer that more than half of all US employees are unhappy in their jobs today--effectively an all-time low. Recent Gallup studies not only validate that people feel worse about their work, bosses and organizations than ever before, they reveal a remarkable 71 percent of American workers are either not engaged in their jobs--or have become actively disengaged. Clearly, all this discontent is bad for business. Gallup estimates that it's costing $300 billion in lost productivity every year. Given all that's at stake, and with all the great business minds presumably attacking the crisis, we're left to wonder why we've yet to stem the tide?

How is it that we haven't yet identified what it will take to re-inspire our nation's workforce? What We All Were Taught: "Keep The Heart And Emotions Out Of Leadership. " Stop checking your email, now. FORTUNE -- If you'd like a jarring experience sometime, try reading the famous children's book Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Alex and his family go pick up Dad at the office, causing all sorts of mischief, but what's strangest to the modern reader is the illustration of Dad's desk.

He has a phone. Paper. Books. But, since Judith Viorst's story was first published in 1972, no computer. In 1972, you realize, office workers spent zero percent of their time on email. MORE: 5 ways to avoid burnout at work According to a July 2012 McKinsey Global Institute report on "the social economy," the average knowledge worker now spends 28% of her work time managing email. 1. According to an analysis of 5 million emails from Baydin, an email management service, the average email user gets 147 messages per day and deletes 71 (48%). 2. MORE: I'm retiring. 3. 4. A better solution? DIY Money-Shredding Alarm Clock Motivates You to Wake Up. 5 Steps to Create a New Habit | zen habits. ‘Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones.’

~Benjamin Franklin Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Tess Marshall of The Bold Life. When I decided to quit smoking, I was 27 years old, my two oldest daughters were seven and five, and the twins were three. I didn’t want to be a bad example, I hid my smoking from them. I smoked when they were sleeping or when they were with the babysitter. As my addiction grew stronger, I began smoking in the bathroom with the window open. I freaked out, flushed my cigarette down the toilet, gathered my composure, and nonchalantly walked out.

He calmly told me, “Tess, the way I see it, you have two choices: you can either quit or come out of the closet.” I chose to quit. I began running laps on an indoor track, at a nearby college. When I could run a mile without stopping or walking, I decided I would add one mile per month to my training. The Keys to Habits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. INSTANT MBA: "If You Have A To-Do List Of 10 Things, Rip It And Do Three" Cheat With Science: How to Suss Out a Lie | Magazine. Dances in the Lion's Mouth - Association Management Magazine - Resources.